在使用NEST操作elasticsearch时,字段名会根据model中字段,默认为首字母小写. 如果需要调整NEST的默认明个规则,可以在 ConnectionSettings中进行自定义. var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node).DefaultFieldNameInferrer((name) => name); 这里是定义为原样输出. 也可以在model中声明一下: public class User { [String(Name="My…
ElasticSearch NEST笔记 1. 什么是ElasticSearch? ElasticSearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore. 可以简单理解成索引加检索的工具,当然它功能多于此.ElasticSearch分为服务端与客户端,服务端提供REST API,客户端使用REST API. 2.怎么安装Elastic? 安装JDK(下载地址) 安装E…
Creating a custom analyzer in ElasticSearch Nest client Question: Im very very new to elasticsearch using the nest client, I am creating an index with a custom analyzer, however when testing using analyze it does not seem to use the custom analyzer.…
Elasticsearch NEST – Examples for mapping between Query and C# During my training with Elasticsearch I would like to map a query with GET/POST method to C# syntax of NEST. It’s very helpful for me to see how NEST composes its internal queries and sen…
建议125:避免用FCL的类型名称命名自己的类型 试想过自己写一个Socket类型吗?如果没有,我们来尝试一下: public class Socket { //省略 } 把以上代码同某些其他工具类封装到某个dll里,让其他人调用.调用者代码如下: public class SampleInvoker { public void DoSomethingWithSocket() { Socket socket=new Socket(); //省略 } } 接着编译.运行程序,我们会发现编译没有报错…
1. 什么是ElasticSearch? ElasticSearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that makes data easy to explore. 可以简单理解成索引加检索的工具,当然它功能多于此.ElasticSearch分为服务端与客户端,服务端提供REST API,客户端使用REST API. http://www.cnblogs.com/Angle-Louis/archive/2015/01/…
var client = ElasticsearchHelper.GetElasticClient("order");QueryContainer termQuery = new TermQuery() { Field = "lastname", Value = "求和" };var result = client.Search<Order>(s => s .Aggregations(a =>…