GCC下32位与64位机器类型变量所占字节数 在C语言中,编译器一般根据自身硬件针对类型变量来选择合适的字节大小,下面列举一下在GCC编译器下32位机器与64位机器各个类型变量所占字节数目: C语言 32位机器 64位机器 char 1 1 short int 2 2 int 4 4 long int 4 8 long long int 4 8 指针类型*p 4 8 float 4 4 double 8 8…
与操作系统位数和编译器都有关. 可用sizeof()得到,当前主流编译器一般是32位或64位. 类型 16位 32位 64位 char 1 1 1 short int 2 2 2 int 2 4 4 long int 4 4 8 long long int 8 8 8 char* 2 4 8(由寻址范…
Problem A Hashmat the brave warrior Input: standard input Output: standard output Hashmat is a brave warrior who with his group of young soldiers moves from one place to another to fight against his opponents. Before fighting he just calculates one t…
测试代码 public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ String[] charsetNames={ "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-32", "UTF-32BE", "UTF-32LE", "UNICODE"…