Install Teamviewer on 14.04? [repost]】的更多相关文章

Ref: TeamViewer 是一款优秀的跨平台免费远程控制软件,在ubuntu下安装方法如下: 官网下载multi-arch deb包: 直接用dpkg命令安装: sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_i386.deb 此时可能出现缺少依赖库的错…
  Add the dotnet apt-get feed In order to install .NET Core on Ubuntu or Linux Mint, you need to first set up the apt-get feed that hosts the package you need. Ubuntu 14.04 / Linux Mint 17 sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt-mo.trafficmana…
Linux查找命令或组件对应安装包的方法原创FJEagle 最后发布于2017-12-15 19:10:06 阅读数 4603 收藏展开Linux查找命令或组件对应安装包的方法当新搭建服务器或者维护不熟悉的服务器环境时,难免会碰到自己想用的命令或组件不存在的情况.如何通过包管理软件,方便地找到命令或组件对应的package进行安装?下面介绍三种方法. 名称搜索一种直观方法就是,猜测命令或组件与安装包同名或包含,尝试搜索安装.比如,想安装redis数据库: 搜索repo的相关命令: apt-cac…
Install Google Pinyin on Ubuntu 14.04 I've been spending more and more time on Ubuntu and I'm not used to the Chinese keyboard that ships with Ubuntu. The keyboard on Android works pretty well so here's a quick tutorial on how to install it on Ubuntu…
Introduction In this tutorial, we will go over how to use Tinc, an open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon, to create a secure VPN that your servers can communicate on as if they were on a local network. We will also demonstrate how to use T… Hello World, Ubuntu 14.04 has been released on April 17th 2014 and we already released the traditional post about how to perform a fresh install. We didn’t covered the upgrade process because it’s quite easy nowadays. B…
Install Cocos2d-x v3.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10 1 get the source code sudo apt-get install git git clone or you can download at 2 init environment cd cocos2d-x/build .…
[转]install intel wireless 3165 driver for ubuntu 14.04.3 Ubuntu 14.04.3 with 3.19 kernel can’t drive the new Intel Wireless 3165 AC with firmware version 13.This is about how to install the driver mannually. Today I changed a new Dell vastro 5000 ser…
打算学习kafka ,接触一些新的知识.加油!!! 参考: 这篇文章也不错,翻译的: Introduction Apache Kafka is a popular distrib…
原文 In this tutorial we will show you how to build and install PHP 5.6.9 from source on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. We all know that PHP-5 is by default available in…