C#依据进程名称获取进程的句柄或C#怎样获取其它进程的句柄? 有时候标题名是动态变化的,所以不使用FindWindow方法! [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ProcessEntry32 { public uint dwSize; public uint cntUsage; public uint th32ProcessID; public IntPtr th3…
需求:windows系统上 根据进程名称查询进程,如果有进程就输出 up ,没有就输出 donw. ::Final interpretation is owned by chenglee ::@echo off<nul 3>nul @echo off&title Checking For SystemProcess, Thankyou... :2 color 0E wmic process get name | findStr /i "chat*" ::if n…
C#根据进程名称获取进程的句柄或C#如何获取其他进程的句柄? 有时候标题名是动态变化的,所以不使用FindWindow方法! [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ProcessEntry32 { public uint dwSize; public uint cntUsage; public uint th32ProcessID; public IntPtr th3…
#!/bin/sh #根据进程名杀死进程 ] then echo "缺少参数:procedure_name" exit fi PROCESS=`|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'` for i in $PROCESS do echo "Kill the $1 process [ $i ]" $i done 引自:http://www.fengdingbo.com/shell-stop-procedure.html…
Shell脚本源码如下: #!/bin/sh #根据进程名杀死进程 if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "缺少参数:procedure_name" exit 1 fi PROCESS=`ps -ef|grep $1|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'` for i in $PROCESS do echo "Kill the $1 process [ $i ]" kill -9 $i done 效…
express默认端口为3000,由于实际需要改为3392,修改监听3392之后,没有成功,发现该端口被系统正占用,为了避免每次都手工停掉该系统调用,释放端口,故写了如下脚本. var cmd=process.platform=='win32'?'netstat -ano':'ps aux'; var exec = require('child_process').exec; var qqname='qq'; var port='3392'; exec(cmd, function(err, st…
/proc/<pid>/schedstat $/schedstat First: , Second:time spent waiting on a runqueue,这个值与上面的se.wait_sum一样 Third: of times run on this cpu, task->sched_info.pcount,这个值跟上面的se->nr_switches一样 se.sum_exec_runtime: 2843625.998498 //累计运行的物理时间时间 se.wait…