api 调用发现错误 Mon Nov 18 23:04:31 CST 2019, RpcRetryingCaller{globalStartTime=1574089469858, pause=100, retries=35}, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException: com.google.protobuf.ServiceException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused:…
安装了debian 8.5 就出问题了. root@debian8:~# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: DebianDescription: Debian GNU/Linux 8.5 (jessie)Release: 8.5Codename: jessieroot@debian8:~# uname -aLinux debian8 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt2…
问题描述:在eclipse的Logcat出现错误 [2014-01-08 14:00:07 - adb] ADB server didn't ACK [2014-01-08 14:00:07 - adb] * failed to start daemon * [2014-01-08 14:07:24 - adb] ADB server didn't ACK [2014-01-08 14:07:24 - adb] * failed to start daemon * 解决方法:先找到adb服务是否…
转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/xiaanming/article/details/9401981 ADB server didn't ACK 这个问题会困恼很多的新手朋友,我以前刚开始做Android的时候也遇到过这个问题,不过自己百度,google啥的,也不知道怎么就给解决了,看到群 里很多新手朋友都会问这个问题,说实话我也没有一个解决这个问题的终极方法(百试百灵的那种,哈哈),自己没遇到也没有认真的去对待他,今天,就是在今 天,我打开Eclipse连上手机,准备调…
草泥马的adb: “adb server is out of date. killing.... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * ” 网上搜了一大堆,什么豌豆荚,360,拔插数据线,重启eclipse,关机重启还有人说重装系统,全都没用,.. 方法: 1.查看哪个狗日的程序占用了5037端口, 2.找出来杀了它就可以了. 例子: 1: 2: 3:…
在Eclipse进行android开发的时候,由于要启动adb,但有时候其他的程序启动会占用adb程序的端口,这时候在对android程序进行调试的时候就会出现报错: 究其原因就是因为其他程序占用了adb的端口导致了adb无法正常启动,至于占用端口的程序可能是豌豆荚.腾讯手机助手.91助手等,这个是不确定的.所有要向解决问题就要找到占用端口的程序并关闭它.方法如下: ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * 1.找到adb需要绑定的端口 C…
关掉Ecilpse,打开cmd命令行 1)cd到sdk的platform-tools目录下, 2)执行  adb kill-server  ,出现  server not runing 提示 3)执行  adb start-server ,如果顺利start了,重启Eclipse即可.       如果出现 ADB server didn't ACK,failed to start daemon 的提示,       这个是因为有其他应用占用了ADB SERVER的端口.可能是豌豆荚可能是adb…
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [-- :: - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [-- :: - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\OPhoneSDK_1.5 \platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.…
迁移CRM服务器完成后在访问CRM的内部报表时报错,在查看应用服务器的日志时发现报"Web service request SetParameters to Report Server http://host/reportserver failed. Error: 请求因 HTTP 状态 401 失败: Unauthorized"错误,初看问题有点很突兀为何会报401呢,网上查了些东西也有点不知所云,没有对应的解决方案(因公司网络问题谷歌上不去只能上百度,估摸着是否谷歌能查到呢,还有就…
错误信息: C:\Users\lizy>adb devices adb devicesadb server is out of date.  killing... ADB server didn't ACK* failed to start daemon *error: unknown host service 两个主要原因: 1.手机设备未开启USB调试,或者未点击允许调试!   更改手机设置,或查看是否有调试弹出框. 2.ADB 5037端口被占用: 解决方法: 在cmd窗口:C:\User…
Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://xxxxx/svn/include' Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate has expired, issuer is not trusted 打开终端,随便打几个svn的命令,比如svn update, 然后终端会给你弹出错误消息,表示验证失败.比如 svn update, 弹出 Error validating ser…
       记录个小问题,这两天用到了android中的远程调试一个开发板,经常碰到一个问题,android中ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon 或者找不到sdk的路径 或者 adb server is out of date.网上搜了一下,发现大部分说的是在任务管理器中关闭adb.exe的进程,关闭Eclipse ,然后都重新启动,但是现在最让人郁闷的是任务管理器根本就找不到adb.exe.        另外一种现象是在cmd窗口输…
Module ngx_http_upstream_module http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_upstream_module.html#sticky Syntax: sticky cookie name [expires=time] [domain=domain] [httponly] [secure] [path=path];sticky route $variable ...;sticky learn create=$variable look…
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [-- :: - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [-- :: - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\OPhoneSDK_1.5 \platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.…
Ubuntu 16.04安装openssh-server后,使用ssh客户端连接时可能报此错误,情况如下图所示: server responded "algorithm negotiation failed" 修改服务器端ssh的配置文件,目录为:/etc/ssh/sshd_config,输入如下命令进行编辑 sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config 切换编辑模式(i),设置参数 PasswordAuthentication yes 在配置文件末尾添加 Ciphers…
-- ::, INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: supergroup = supergroup -- ::, INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallQueueManager: Using callQueue: class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue queueCapacity: -- ::, INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.…
2018-01-09 09:47:38,297 FATAL org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Initialization failed for Block pool <registering> (Datanode Uuid unassigned) service to controller/ Exiting. java.io.IOException: Incompatible cluster…
问题 使用 adb 命令的时候报错如下: adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * error: 问题原因 不同软件中的 adb.exe 版本冲突.调用的 adb 命令的版本 和 android_sdk/platform-tools 目录下的 adb 版本不一样导致的(即调用的可能不是 android_sdk/platform-tools 目录下的 adb). 解决…
svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate issued 今天在使用svn时候发现出现这个问题,这个是因为证书问题,在终端执行 svn ls https://svn地址 然后输入p就行 这个命令是让忽略证书,然后按提示走就行,即可解决Server SSL certificate verification failed: certificate issued问题…
错误信息: 2019/09/09 13:54:37 [crit] 796#7096: *1 GetFileAttributesEx() "F: ginx-1.12.2\html\dist" failed (123: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1&q…
使用python 3.7 pymssql 连接本地mysql 5.6 报错 解决:参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/springbrotherhpu/p/11503139.html https://blog.csdn.net/llx1026/article/details/79579572 1.在https://sourceforge.net/projects/freetdswindows/ 下载 windows 的freetds 2. 解压,cmd 进入 F:\FreeTD…
1. Server side With spring boot, we can set up a http server easily. Restcontroller make it easier to provide REST apis. 今天博主决定体验下HTTP/2.用spring boot搭建http服务相对容易,于是开始动手编写. Entrance (入口) @SpringBootApplication public class App { public static void mai…
angela@angeladeMacBook-Air:/data/db$mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.6.1 connecting to: test 2014-06-07T11:13:21.349+0800 warning: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused 2014-06-07T11:13:21.350+0800 Error: couldn't co…
今天修改nginx配置文件nginx.conf之后,启动nginx就会报错.经仔细检查是重复配置了 server元素导致, 当nginx检测到重复的 server_name item.test.com,就会报这个错 [warn] conflicting server name "www.test.com" on, ignored server { listen 80; server_name item.test.com; access_log /export/se…
[root@localhost sbin]# ./named -v bind 9.5.1-p3-v3.0.9 问题现象: [root@localhost sbin]# ./rndc flush -p 10056 rndc: connect failed: connection refused 问题分析: 看报错认为rndc使用的953端口,将端口换为953后报同样的错误 首先看了下bind的named.conf文件 ...... include "/home/ali…
Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' 解决方法 1. 以oracle 用户登陆X window 或者 2. root 身份执行 # xhost + ======================= [oracle@rusky-oracle11g database]$ ./runInstaller //安装报错 Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking Temp space: must b…
nginx部署网站后,访问域名,网页显示  500 Internal Server Error ,经查看发现nginx的error.log中有报错: failed (1113: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page), client: 但是其他部署的网站又没有问题,根据字眼Unicode character猜测是中文路径的问题,修改后再次访问,成功.…
启动nginx.ese之后 nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions) 说明某个进程占用了80端口 查看之后是System占用,这个是系统服务,无法手动终止 原因是 SQL Server Reporting Services,停止掉这个服务并设置其为手动启动即可 启动好n…
由于项目需要,在一台虚拟机上安装了MongoDB,但是在启动的时候,出现如下错误: [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo MongoDB shell version v3.4.0 connecting to: mongodb:// 2018-09-27T21:11:14.779+0800 W NETWORK [main] Failed to connect to, reason: Connection refus…
redis启动出错Creating Server TCP listening socket bind: No error   windows下安装Redis第一次启动报错: [2368] 21 Apr 02:57:05.611 # Creating Server TCP listening socket bind: No error 解决方法:在命令行中运行 redis-cli.exe>shutdown…