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原文:http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/designing-a-secure-rest-api-without-oauth-authentication/ Situation You want to develop a RESTful web API for developers that is secure to use, but doesn’t require the complexity of OAuth and takes a simple “pass the cr…
说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your da…
UPDATE: This post has been expanded upon and converted into an eBook. Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users…
好RESTful API的设计原则   说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those…
转自(http://sls.weco.net/node/10773) 一.Facebook API 基礎概念 Facebook API 概論 : API 最大的好處在於可以讓程式開發人員只需要根據 API 定義的方式呼叫相對應的功能,無須瞭解該功能底層的原始碼為何或理解其內部運作機制的細節.Facebook API 正是 Facebook 所推出的應用程式介面,我們可以透過這個應用程式介面存取 Facebook 中使用者.群組.個人檔案.相片等資料. 使用 Facebook API,須先下載 A…
转载自一位大佬 英文原版 Principles of good RESTful API Design Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users with mobile apps wh…
Access and Authentication There are three access levels to the Marketing APIs. You can upgrade access after you meet criteria described later. Note that calls on ANY access level are against production data. Level Description Development Try and test…
1.建立一个spring mvc工程: 2.添加POM依赖: <properties> <springfoxversion>2.6.1</springfoxversion> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.springfox</groupId> <artifactId>springfox-swagger2</artif…
使用springfox+swagger2书写API文档 springfox是通过注解的形式自动生成API文档,利用它,可以很方便的书写restful API,swagger主要用于展示springfox生成的API文档,笔者将主要介绍springfox的配置与使用,文中spring版本为4.2.6.RELEASE,springfox版本为2.6.1,使用Maven进行项目依赖管理. Maven依赖配置 下面是Maven pom.xml配置信息 <properties> <springfo…
apiCloud中的ajax方法,可以自动处理跨域访问数据,不必使用jsonp来处理了. 使用ajax方法,必须要在apiready = function() {}方法中 获取参数 var pageParam = api.pageParam; var goods_id = JSON.stringify(pageParam.goods_id); ajax获取数据,可以传参数 // 获取商品相关信息 api.ajax({ url: 'http://zhudianbao.yunlutong.com/?…