OLE/COM Object Viewer摘AutoIt Help The "OLE/COM Object Viewer" is a very handy tool to get a peek on all COM objects currently installed on your system. It is part of the Windows 2000 resource kit and can be downloaded for free from:http://www.m…
Microsoft Visual C++,(简称Visual C++.MSVC.VC++或VC)微软公司的C++开发工具,具有集成开发环境,可提供编辑C语言,C++以及C++/CLI等编程语言.VC++整合了便利的除错工具,特别是整合了微软视窗程式设计(Windows API).三维动画DirectX API,Microsoft .NET框架.目前最新的版本是Microsoft Visual C++ 2013. Visual C++ 6.0 集成了MFC6.0,于1998发行.发行至今一直被广泛…