Intel® Media SDK(一)】的更多相关文章

1 I帧,P帧,B帧,IDR帧,NAL单元 I frame:帧内编码帧,又称intra picture,I 帧通常是每个 GOP(MPEG 所使用的一种视频压缩技术)的第一个帧,经过适度地压缩,做为随机访问的参考点,可以当成图象.I帧可以看成是一个图像经过压缩后的产物: P frame: 前向预测编码帧,又称predictive-frame,通过充分将低于图像序列中前面已编码帧的时间冗余信息来压缩传输数据量的编码图像,也叫预测帧: B frame: 双向预测内插编码帧,又称bi-directio…
Download Article and Source Code Download Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio encode/decode usages (PDF 568KB)Download Source Code. (ZIP 98KB) (Note: Licensing terms match Media SDK 2012) Introduction The provided samp…
By Gael Hofemeier on March 19, 2015 Follow Gael on Twitter: @GaelHof Media SDK Developer’s Guide Media SDK Tutorial Pack Download Media SDK Samples Bundle Download and Install the Intel Media SDK Download the Latest Intel Graphics Drivers Required OS…
最近折腾intel media sdk,主要硬件平台是在HD4600的核显上进行测试,intel media sdk是intel提供的一种基于核显的硬件编解码的解决方案,之前已经有使用ffmpeg进行了测试,可以极大的降低CPU的使用情况.只与编解码出来的画质如何,并没有做多大的对比.从其官方文档来看,可以支持的近9路1080P(H264)的转码.但是对H265的支持,则需要专业版才行,通过so插件扩展的方式才能编解码成功.因此主要做的还是H264的编解码测试. 其提供的samples代码,是使…
A cross-platform API for developing media applications on Windows* Fast video playback, encode, processing, media format conversion and video conferencing Acceleration of RAW video and image processing Audio decode & encode support Take your client a…
!!!(gcc/g++版本要在4.8以上,本人使用的是5.4版本) 要先安装依赖,按以下步骤依次执行 1.LIBVA git clone cd libva/ ./ ./configure make make install cp /usr/local/include/va/* /usr/include/ cp /usr/local/lib/libva* /usr/lib64/ 2.Intel(R) Grap…
经过測试,发如今windows 7上 i3 i5 上Intel Media SDK 1080P仅仅能解6路,720P仅仅能解8路, 不知大家有没有測试过?…
具体表现为一直安装失败,但是下载进度条一直在,无法去除. 此方法来自 If you are able to open MS Store, open MS Store > Click on your profile pi…
In the last few days, we have seen lot of concern for using Intel® Media 2016 on 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors (codename Skylake) from the customers. We wanted to explain how one can still install the latest Media SDK 2016 package and use it…
复制自网址: Code Samples Media Server Studio offers many code examples through two different packages i.e. “samples” and “tutorials” to get you started. The sample package is a…