libevent reference Mannual II--library】的更多相关文章

FYI: The Libevent Reference Manual: Preliminaries Libevent is a library for writing fast portable nonblocking IO. Its design goals are: portability speed scalability convenience The components of L…
FYI: Working with events Libevent’s basic unit of operation is the event. Every event represents a set of conditions, including: A file descriptor being ready to read from or write to. A file descr…
FYI: Bufferevents: concepts and basics Most of the time, an application wants to perform some amount of data buffering in addition to just responding to events. When we want to write d…
FYI: Helper functions and types for Libevent Basic types #ifdef WIN32 #define evutil_socket_t intptr_t #else #define evutil_socket_t int #endif Miscellaneous compatibility types The ev_ssiz…
FYI: This lib is a integral of asynchronous IO. we should change the concept from blocking PRO to nonblocking PRO. Example: A simple blocking HTTP client /* For sockaddr_in */ #include <netinet/in.h> /* Fo…
首先给出官方文档吧: ,首页有个Programming with Libevent,里面是一节一节的介绍libevent,但是感觉信息量太大了,而且还是英文的-.-(当然,如果想好好用libevent,看看还是很有必要的),还有个Reference,大致就是对各个版本的libevent使用doxgen生成的文档,用来查函数原型和基本用法什么的. 下面的来着文档: Libe…
Libevent is a library for writing fast portable nonblocking IO. libevent是一个为编写快速可移植的非阻塞IO程序而设计的. libevent组件 libevent包括了以下组件: 1. evutil Generic functionality to abstract out the differences between different platforms' networking implementations. 用于抽象…
Libevent官网: windows 7下编译: 编译环境: windows 7 + VS2010 (1)解压libevent到F:\libevent\libevent-2.0.21-stable (2)打开Microsoft visual studio 2010命令行工具 (3)修改以下三个文件,添加宏定义: 在以下3个文件开头添加“#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500” libevent-2.0.21-stable\event_io… Libevent官网: windows 7下编译: 编译环境: windows 7 + VS2010 (1)解压libevent到F:\libevent\libevent-2.0.21-stable (2)打开Microsoft visual studio 2010命令行工具 (3)修改以下三个文件,添加宏定义: 在以下3个文件开头添加“#define _WIN…
在windows系统下,library project必须和project处于相同的盘符中,因为如果在不同盘符,project.properties中的android.library.reference.1值变成绝对路径 而ADT推荐是在ubuntu下使用的,对windows绝对路径有支持bug.在windows系统下,library project必须和project处于相同的盘符中,因为如果在不同盘符,project.properties中的android.library.reference…