LES on Wind turbine】的更多相关文章

Extract local angle of attack on wind turbine blades Table of Contents 1. Extract local angle of attack on wind turbine blades 1.1. References 1 Extract local angle of attack on wind turbine blades keywords: local AOA, wind turbine The inverse BEM me…
Table of Contents 1. meshing wind turbine using Turbogrid 1.1. ref 1 meshing wind turbine using Turbogrid Geo: solidworks Mesh: Turbogrid Typically Features of wind turbine blades highly twisted no shroud. So this cannot be meshed in TurboGrid. The b…
test test Table of Contents 1. Wind rotor states 1.1. Turbulent Wake State 1.2. Vortex Ring State 1.3. References 1 Wind rotor states different states and its relation with Ct and axial induction factor (a), refer to Fig. 1 a>0.5 should not occur in…
post post Table of Contents 1. Post-processing 1.1. Reverse flow 1.1.1. reasons 1.1.2. solutions 1.2. variable definitions– ch34, field function definitions, user guide, fluent 1.3. Residuals 1.3.1. access to the residual values for each cell in my f…
stall stall and flow separation Table of Contents 1. Stall and flow separation 1.1. Separation of Boundary Layers 1.2. Types of stall 1.3. Post stall airfoil data for BEM 1.3.1. Extraplolation methods: 1.3.2. Reference 1.4. Parameters affects stall 1…
这个叫做 MicroCube 的发电装置其实是一套「小型风扇+发电机」的组合,能够输出三相交流电,之后转换成直流电给电池组充电. 一个 MicroCube 长宽高均为 23 厘米左右,重约 1.4 公斤.说是「一个」,是因为它的强大之处就在于可以把多个 MicroCube 连接在一起使用,输出更大的功率,跟 18650 电池组有点类似. 其实类似的风力发电装置很多,MicroCube 的优势在于良好的空气动力性能,叶片在 1.6 km/h 的风速下就可以旋转,最大可承受 160 km/h 的风速…
* Results *Conclusion*- little effect of rear rotor on Cp_1- Cp1 is independent of TI** TI effect on single-rotor, front, | cp | ct | TI | TSR ||    |    | 1  |     ||    |    | 15 |     |** Dual rotor X=4D, TI 15% -- CFD-RANS# TI 15%, RANS results#…
Wake states Table of Contents 1. Turbulent Wake 2. turbulent wake of a circular cylinder 3. Reference 3.1. Dissertation 3.2. Others 1** Wake States 1 Turbulent Wake the wake behind the front rotor is far from turbulent (leishman, 2009) what is turbul…
airfoil polar data during post stall stages (high AOA) Table of Contents 1. airfoil polar during post stall state 1.1. polar extrapolation methods 1 airfoil polar during post stall state why do we need airfoil polar during post stall state? because t…