ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-39087: directory name DATA_PUMP_DIRis invalid 原因如下: If none of the previous three conditions yields a directory object and you are a privileged user (i.e. uses who have the EXP…
How to Define PDB Listeners With Different Ports In A Multitenant Setup Goal This Note will discuss the necessary steps to create and configure listeners for a Pluggable Database (PDB) in a Multitenant environment. Solution 1. Using netca create a 2n…
Oracle12c版本中引入了新的CDB和PDB 默认登陆CDB后创建的用户为全局用户必须以c##开头 如果要访问CDB中的表,可以用GRANT命令赋权 但是上面的赋权并不会再PDB中生效 如果要这个用户访问PDB中的表,怎么做呢? 先切换到PDB容器 alter session set container=pdborcl; 打开PDB startup 然后再用GRANT赋权 GRANT CREATE SESSION TO C##TEST; GRANT CONNECT, REOURCE TO C…