1.RTKLIB简介 RTKLIB是全球导航卫星系统GNSS(global navigation satellite system)的标准&精密定位开源程序包,RTKLIB由日本东京海洋大学(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)的高须知二(Tomoji Takasu)开发.RTKLIB由一个便携式程序库和多个AP(应用程序)工具库组成.RTKLIB的主要功能有: (1)支持多个GNSS系统的标准和精密定位算法,包括GPS,GLONA…
/*每次只写入一行数据 只需要调用特定的方法即可.*/package com.second.File;import java.io.*;/** * Created by hasee on 2016/11/15. */public class WriteFile { private BufferedWriter bw = null; public int openWrite(String address, String strCodeFormat) { if (strCodeFormat == n…
clear,clc nt=735;ny=73; %2.5*2.5格点的nx=144; %2.5*2.5格点的f=netcdf('air.mon.mean.nc','nowrite');tt=f{'air'}(:);close(f)fid=fopen('a5.grd','w'); for it=1:nt for j=1:ny for i=1:nx count= fwrite(fid,tt(it,j,i),'float');%根据例子这里用原始的数…
// // ViewController.swift // xml读写 // // Created by mac on 15/7/14. // Copyright (c) 2015年 fangyuhao. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController,NSXMLParserDelegate { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad()…
import pandas as pd import os if __name__ == '__main__': Path = 'c:\checklog' dfs = [] for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(Path): for f in file_names: if f.find('cpu_mem.csv') != -1: full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) print(full_path) i…