poj 1170 Shopping Offers】的更多相关文章

作为一个oier,以及大学acm党背包是必不可少的一部分.好久没做背包类动规了.久违地练习下-.- dd__engi的背包九讲:http://love-oriented.com/pack/ 鸣谢http://blog.csdn.net/eagle_or_snail/article/details/50987044,这里有大部分比较有趣的dp练手题. hud 2602 01背包板子题 #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cs…
Shopping Offers Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 4696   Accepted: 1967 Description In a shop each kind of product has a price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 ICU (Informatics Currency Units) and the price of a vas…
Shopping Offers Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 5659 Accepted: 2361 Description In a shop each kind of product has a price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 ICU (Informatics Currency Units) and the price of a vase is…
题目地址:http://poj.org/problem?id=1170 Description In a shop each kind of product has a price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 ICU (Informatics Currency Units) and the price of a vase is 5 ICU. In order to attract more customers, the shop introd…
意甲冠军:b(0 <= b <= 5)商品的种类,每个人都有一个标签c(1 <= c <= 999),有需要购买若干k(1 <= k <=5),有一个单价p(1 <= p <= 999).有s(0 <= s <= 99).问完毕採购最少须要多少钱. 题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1170 -->>已有b种物品,再将每种优惠分别看成一种新物品,剩下就是全然背包问题了.. 设dp[i]表示购买状态为 i 时…
http://poj.org/problem?id=1170 题意:有n种花的数量和价格,以及m种套餐买法(套餐会便宜些),问最少要花多少钱. 思路:题目是完全背包,但这道题目不好处理的是套餐的状态,因为数量最多只有5,所有可以用6进制来记录状态. 最后的话就是一个完全背包啦~ #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<sstre…
题目大意:有一个人要买b件商品,给出每件商品的编号,价格和数量,恰逢商店打折.有s种打折方式.问怎么才干使买的价格达到最低 解题思路:最多仅仅有五种商品.且每件商品最多仅仅有5个,所以能够用5维dp来表示.每一个维度都代表一件商品的数量 打折的方式事实上有b + s种.将每种商品单件卖的也算一种打折方式 这题有个坑点,就是b或者s有可能为0 #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include&l…
题目链接: http://poj.org/problem?id=1170 Shopping Offers Time Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000K 问题描述 In a shop each kind of product has a price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 ICU (Informatics Currency Units) and the price of a vase is 5 ICU. In…
P2732 商店购物 Shopping Offers 23通过 41提交 题目提供者该用户不存在 标签USACO 难度提高+/省选- 提交  讨论  题解 最新讨论 暂时没有讨论 题目背景 在商店中,每一种商品都有一个价格(用整数表示).例如,一朵花的价格是 2 zorkmids (z),而一个花瓶的价格是 5z .为了吸引更多的顾客,商店举行了促销活动. 题目描述 促销活动把一个或多个商品组合起来降价销售,例如: 三朵花的价格是 5z 而不是 6z, 两个花瓶和一朵花的价格是 10z 而不是…
Shopping OffersIOI'95 In a certain shop, each kind of product has an integer price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 zorkmids (z) and the price of a vase is 5z. In order to attract more customers, the shop introduces some special offers. A spe…