在php语言中,header()这个函数很有用的,尤其在用到ajax时候,他会帮你解决一些意想不到的问题.下面是header的一些详细讲解.希望对phper有帮助 代码如下: <?php// fix 404 pages:header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');// set 404 header:header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');// set Moved Permanently header (good for redrictions)// use wi…
<?php /*** Function: PHP header() examples (PHP) ** Desc: Some examples on how to use the header() function of PHPYou find a detailed tutorial at expertsrt.com (English) or at ffm.junetz.de (German).These is also a good help about caching at web-cach…
一个完美的演示PHP header()函数用法的完整代码. 其中介绍的refresh方法,比<META ……用起来更得心应手,应该是段不错的代码. <?php /*** Function: PHP header() examples (PHP) ** Desc: Some examples on how to use the header() function of PHPYou find a detailed tutorial at expertsrt.com (English) or …
<?php /*** Function: PHP header() examples (PHP) ** Desc: Some examples on how to use the header() function of PHPYou find a detailed tutorial at expertsrt.com (English) or at ffm.junetz.de (German).These is also a good help about caching at web-cach…