Interesting visualization tools for profiling.…
7 Tools for Data Visualization in R, Python, and Julia Last week, some examples of creating visualizations with htmlwidgets and R were presented. Fortunately, there are many more options available for creating nice visualizations. Tools and libraries… What do you think is important in a website? Yes, we have talked about making sure that your website looks great, and the design and graphics you use. All of the aforementioned should be top-notch for…
Nine Great Books about Information Visualization Maybe it’s anachronistic to celebrate static, printed books when so many of us love and create interactive data displays. I don’t care. I love books. Edward Tufte, the patron saint of information visua…
Popular Deep Learning Tools – a review Deep Learning is the hottest trend now in AI and Machine Learning. We review the popular software for Deep Learning, including Caffe, Cuda-convnet, Deeplearning4j, Pylearn2, Theano, and Torch.  comments By Ran B…
A novel massively parallel supercomputer of hundreds of teraOPS-scale includes node architectures based upon System-On-a-Chip technology, i.e., each processing node comprises a single Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Within each ASIC n…
Everyone collects utilities, and most folks have a list of a few that they feel are indispensable.  Here's mine.  Each has a distinct purpose, and I probably touch each at least a few times a week.  For me, "util" means utilitarian and it means…
原文链接: Frontend Development Looking for something else? Take a look at the awesome collection of other awesome lists. Guides Bento: a collection of guides for web development. Hack Design: An easy to…
测试开发 来源: Web UI测试自动化 splinter - web UI测试工具,基于selnium封装. 链接 selenium - web UI自动化测试. 链接 --推荐 mechanize- Python中有状态的程序化Web浏览.链接 selene - 使用Python + Ajax支持+ PageObjects + Widgets进行简明UI测试 链接 hitch - 基于服务的应用程序的高级集成测试框架…
Web UI测试自动化 splinter - web UI测试工具,基于selnium封装. selenium - web UI自动化测试. mechanize- Python中有状态的程序化Web浏览链接 selene - 使用Python + Ajax支持+ PageObjects + Widgets进行简明UI测试 hitch - 基于服务的应用程序的高级集成测试框架. Needle - Css 自动化测试框架. seleniumbase - 端到端自动化测试框架. pytest_spli…