Earth to developers: Grow up!】的更多相关文章

这是篇老外写的文章,主题是针对网络上的一些宗教式的争论,作者叙述了他自己的一些观点.主要从以下6点做了陈述.为了表达的精确性,就直接用英文. 1. Reject dogmatic thinking about tools, practices, and processes. 2. value flexibility over repetition. 3. Weigh all considerations befor making a decision. 4. Regonize the defic…
Part 1 reference: Get to know lambda expressions in Java 8. Few things excite a community of software developers more than a new release of their chosen programming language or platform. Java dev…
正于北京举办的谷歌开发者大会上,谷歌宣布,Google Developers中国网站 ( 正式发布! 谷歌表示,Google Developers中国网站是特别为中国开发者而建立的,它汇集了Google为全球开发者所提供的开发技术资源,包括API文档.开发案例.技术培训的视频.并涵盖了以下关键开发技术和平台产品的信息: 1.Android: Android开发者官方网站面向应用开发者提供了Andro…
Google Developers 中国网站是特别为中国开发者而建立的,它汇集了 Google 为全球开发者所提供的开发技术资源,包括 API 文档.开发案例.技术培训的视频.并涵盖了以下关键开发技术和平台产品的信息: 1. Android: Android 开发者官方网站面向应用开发者提供了 Android SDK 以及开发相关的各类文档.2. Web: 学习如何利用 Progress…
JavaScript solves multiple purposes; it helps you to create interactive websites, web applications, and many more. Using JavaScript into your projects lets you move HTML elements around, create a myriad of custom animations, speedup your applications…
Java is one of the most popular programming language nowadays. There are plenty of books for beginners. But to those who have programmed with Java for a while, some of them may look somehow simple and redundant. The beginner’s books do not bring fres…
翻译一篇文章:It's Difficult to Grow a Test Developer(成为测试开发工程师的艰辛)   以下文章是送给来poptest学习测试开发工程师的学员们,很多人想测试工程师很容易,培训也抱着轻松的状态来学习,但是我们这里学习的强度很大,每天早上9点开始到晚上8点,但是大部分时间可能超过晚上11点,因为Poptest团队在其他培训机构工作过,我们做过评估Poptest测试开发培训的第一阶段培训12天的课程相当于其他培训机构40天的课程量,在这里祝福那些辛勤的学员们,希…
Google Developers 中国网站 ( 正式发布!Google Developers 中国网站是特别为中国开发者而建立的,它汇集了 Google 为全球开发者所提供的开发技术资源,包括 API 文档.开发案例.技术培训的视频.并涵盖了以下关键开发技术和平台产品的信息: 1. Android: Android 开发者官方网站面向应用开发者提供了 Android SDK 以及开发相关的各类文档…
In Dapu, a rain-drenched rural outpost in the heart of China's grain basket, a farmer grows crops that she wouldn't dare to eat. A state-backed chemicals factory next to her farm dumps wastewater directly into the local irrigation pond, she says, and…
This small tutorial is based on my past 16+ years of experience in software development industry. I have gone through different stages in my career starting from trainee software developer till senior management. I do not want to keep my learnings to…