The Department of National Defence(DND)wishestoconnectseveral northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost will have a radio transceiver and some outposts…
题意: 在南极有  N  个科研站,要把这些站用卫星和无线电连接起来,是的任意两个之间都能互相通信,如果其中任意的一个地方安装了卫星,那么就可以和其他安装卫星的互相通信,和距离没有关系,但是安装无线电 是需要费用D的,这个费用 D 为在安装无线电的地方中使用的无线电通信花费最大的那个值.现在有S个卫星可以提供给你安装,还有足够多的无线电设备,让你设计一个方案,使得D的费用最少. 思路: 首先肯定会用到最小生成树.为了使得我们的D值最小那么我们应该给距离最长的 S - 1个路径的俩段安装无线电(因…
题意: 有许多基地,每个基地都有两种收发信号的方式,一种是通过无线电收发机,另一种是通过卫星.两个基地之间可以通过卫星交流不管它们相距多远:但是通过无线电交流,就要求它们的距离不超过D.为了方便布置,节省成本,每个基地的无线电交流的最大距离都相等.给出基地的位置和卫星的数量,求出D,保证两个基地之间至少一个交流路径. 思路: 求出MST,保证了两点之间有路径,然后按照从大到小的顺序给在生成树中的边排序,将卫星安排给权值大的边,保证D尽可能小.s个卫星可以安排给s-1条边(s个点),所以第s条边的…
Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 17758   Accepted: 5646 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication tec…
Arctic Network Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 2349 Appoint description:  System Crawler  (2015-06-01) Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect seve…
描述 The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost will have a radio transceiver and some o…
2017-08-04 16:19:13 writer:pprp 题意如下: Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every o…
题目链接: 题目大意:有n个前哨,和s个卫星通讯装置,任何两个装了卫星通讯装置的前哨都可以通过卫星进行通信,而不管他们的位置. 否则,只有两个前哨之间的距离不超过D,才能通过无线电进行通信.求出能使所有前哨都能直接或间接通信的最小的D. 解题思路:题目要求使所有前哨都能直接或间接通信,那么相当于使n个点相连,至少需要n-1条边.可以将n个点分为s个团,每个团内部时无限通信,团与团之间通过卫星通信.那么就相当于用s个卫星装置建立s-1条边…
题目链接: 题目大意: 有n个警戒部队,现在要把这n个警戒部队编入一个通信网络, 有两种方式链接警戒部队:1,用卫星信道可以链接无穷远的部队. 2,用信号收发器可以链接周围d米以内的部队. 现在有s个卫星信道,问d最小是多少时能连接全部的警戒部队? 解题思路: 我是用求最小生成树,记录路径长度,对路径长度排序后,第k长的边就是答案, 但是队友是用最小k度限制生成树,因为我的方法它证明不了,也推翻不了~~~~, 最后我下去仔细想了想反证…
题目抽象出来就是有一些告诉坐标的通信站,还有一些卫星,这些站点需要互相通信,其中拥有卫星的任意两个站可以不用发射器沟通,而所有站点的发射器要都相同,但发射距离越大成本越高. 输入的数据意思: 实例个数 卫星个数   站点个数 每个站点的坐标 输出的意思: 发射器最小是多少,保留两位小数 注意事项: 其中卫星数量少于站点,存边的数组下标从0开始的,还有一个坑坑,输出用的.2f,而喜欢用.2lf的我错了四发才发现.... 代码如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <…
Arctic Network 题目链接: Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be use…
Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 28311   Accepted: 8570 题目链接: Description: The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless net…
[Poj2349]Arctic Network Description 国防部(DND)要用无线网络连接北部几个哨所.两种不同的通信技术被用于建立网络:每一个哨所有一个无线电收发器,一些哨所将有一个卫星频道. 任何两个有卫星信道的哨所可以通过卫星进行通信,而不管他们的位置.同时,当两个哨所之间的距离不超过D时可以通过无线电通讯,D取决于对收发器的功率.功率越大,D也越大,但成本更高.出于采购和维修的方便,所有哨所的收发器必须是相同的:那就是说,D值对每一个哨所相同. 你的任务是确定收发器的D的最…
Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 19113   Accepted: 6023 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication tec…
Arctic Network The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost will have a radio transceive…
Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9557   Accepted: 3187 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication tech… Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 12544   Accepted: 4097 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network.…
Arctic Network Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 16968   Accepted: 5412 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication tec…
G - Arctic Network   #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #define MAXN 510 using namespace std; double an; int fa[MAXN]; int t,n,m,tot,sum; double x[MAXN],y[MAXN],ans[MAXN]…
[题意] 南极有n个科研站, 要把这些站用卫星或者无线电连接起来,使得任意两个都能直接或者间接相连.任意两个都有安装卫星设备的,都可以直接通过卫星通信,不管它们距离有多远. 而安装有无线电设备的两个站,距离不能超过D. D越长费用越多. 现在有s个卫星设备可以安装,还有足够多的无线电设备,求一个方案,使得费用D最少(D取决与所有用无线电通信的花费最大的那条路径). InputThe first line of input contains N, the number of test cases.…
ZOJ POJ UVA 题目大意,给定一些点的坐标,求MST,然后要求求去掉最大的k条边后,最大的…
Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost will have a radio transceiver a… Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost…
题目 /*********题意解说——来自discuss——by sixshine**************/ 有卫星电台的城市之间可以任意联络.没有卫星电台的城市只能和距离小于等于D的城市联络.题目告诉你卫星电台的个数S,让你求最小的D. 做最小生成树,去掉最长的S条边后,剩下最长的边就是D. 也就是求最小生成树中第S+1长的边. 完毕. /********************************************************/ //听说听木看懂之后,数据很水,果然…
题目链接: Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every out…
链接: Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 13715   Accepted: 4424 Description The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two differe…
题目大意:n个村庄的坐标已知,现在要架光纤使所有的村庄都能上网,但受光纤的参数d所限,每根光纤只能给距离不超过d的村庄之间连接.但是有s个信号机,信号机之间能无限畅连.考虑到光纤的价格和参数d有关,现在要确定最小的参数. 题目分析:最好的方案当然是把s个信号机都用上,这就相当于在一张必选s-1条边(边长视为为0)的无向图中构建最小生成树,答案为树中最长的边长.不过,必选哪s-1条边是不确定的. 代码如下: # include<iostream> # include<cstdio>…
题意: 给定n个点, 要求修p-1条路使其连通, 但是现在有s个卫星, 每两个卫星可以免费构成连通(意思是不需要修路了), 问修的路最长距离是多少. 分析: s个卫星可以代替s-1条路, 所以只要求最小生成树, 排序后后去掉s-1条边, 最大那条就是答案. #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #incl…
3732: Network 题目连接: Description 给你N个点的无向图 (1 <= N <= 15,000),记为:1-N. 图中有M条边 (1 <= M <= 30,000) ,第j条边的长度为: d_j ( 1 < = d_j < = 1,000,000,000). 现在有 K个询问 (1 < = K < = 15,000). 每个询问的…
Network Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Andrew is working as system administrator and is planning to establish a new network in his company. There will be N hubs in the company, they can be connected to each other using cables. Since each w…