Mathematicians love all sorts of odd properties of numbers. For instance, they consider to be an interesting number, since it is the first odd number for which the sum of its divisors is larger than the number itself. To help them search for interest…
#6278. 数列分块入门 2 内存限制:256 MiB时间限制:500 ms标准输入输出 题目类型:传统评测方式:文本比较 上传者: hzwer 提交提交记录统计测试数据讨论 6 题目描述 给出一个长为 nn 的数列,以及 nn 个操作,操作涉及区间加法,询问区间内小于某个值 xx 的元素个数. 输入格式 第一行输入一个数字 nn. 第二行输入 nn 个数字,第 ii 个数字为 a_iai,以空格隔开. 接下来输入 nn 行询问,每行输入四个数字 \mathrm{opt}opt.ll.r…
Mathematicians love all sorts of odd properties of numbers. For instance, they consider 945 to be an interesting number, since it is the first odd number for which the sum of its divisors is larger than the number itself. To help them search for inte…