curl download zip file】的更多相关文章…
在SharePoint 2010文档库中,结合单选框,在Ribbon中提供了批量处理文档的功能,比如,批量删除.批量签出.批量签入等,但是,很遗憾,没有提供批量下载,默认的只能一个个下载,当选择多个文档时,下载副本就变成了灰色不可用. 在此我们将开发一个Ribbon按钮,实现文档(包括含有文件夹)的批量下载为Zip压缩包的功能. 先上传一张项目的资源管理结构 现在开始:打开VS2010,创建一个“空白SharePoint项目”命名DeviantPoint.DownloadZip 指定用于部署的网…
原文链接: The example below is a servlet that shows you how to create a zip file and send the generated zip file for user to download. The compressing process is done by the zipFiles m…
In this tutorial we are going to see how to ZIP a file in Java. ZIP is an archive file format that enables data compression and it is mostly used on files and folders. A ZIP file may contain one or more compressed files or folders. Many compression a…
有时候我们希望 upload 文件后自动压缩, 可以节省空间. 可以使用微软提供的压缩代码 Install-Package System.IO.Compression.ZipFile -Version 4.3.0 refer : string roo…
Background We all knows that: NetSuite filecabinet provided a feature to download a folder to a zip file. Sample URL in the link:{folderid}&_xt=&_xd=T&e=T Example: https://system…
npm run buildwin > study01@1.0.0 buildwin F:\Nodejs\electron\Test\study01> electron-builder --platform=win --arch=x64 • electron-builder version=20.28.4 • loaded configuration file=package.json ("build" field) • Specified application direc…
不要做伸手党啊大兄弟,这种问题自己稍加理解就知道答案了,实在想不到就上谷歌搜一下嘛,比如这个:git - Github: difference between Clone in desktop and zip download "clone" uses git software on your computer to download the source code and it's entire version history. "download zip" cr…
我的maven 项目有一个红色感叹号, 而且Problems 存在 errors : Description Resource Path Location Type Archive for required library: 'D:/mvn/repos/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar' in project 'xxx' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file ktb-mgr Maven Webapp Build pa…
error: Zip file too big (greater than 4294959102 bytes)错误解决办法.zip文件夹大于4GB,在centos下无法正常unzip,需要使用第三方工具来解压,比如7zip在SHH或者终端下输入:yum –y install p7zip(如果提示找不到资源,则要自己下载编译安装,命令如:)wget…