What is a 'library cache: mutex X' wait? The mutex feature is a mechanism to control access to in memory structures. It is used in a number of areas including the library cache. The library cache is a memory area that holds parsed cursor structures n…
我们先来看看 library cache: mutex X . 是个什么东西 The library cache mutex is acquired for similar purposes that the library cache latches were acquired in prior versions of Oracle. In 10g, mutexes were introduced for certain operations in the library cache. Sta…
In this Document Purpose Troubleshooting Steps What is a 'library cache: mutex X' wait? What causes 'library cache: mutex X' wait? Name of events in 12c and higher How to diagnose the cause. How to Examine the Diagnostics. Potential S…
我们都知道可是使用 alter system flush shared_pool 来清除shared pool 信息,当时不能指定清除某个对象.因为在系统繁忙的时侯 使用 alter system flush shared_pool 是很危险的, 在oracle 以及 11g 有了新的方法.提供的DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE 程序来完成. 不过需要注意一点,在10.2.0.4中,虽然PURGE过程已经存在,但是要使这个过程可以真正的生效,还必须设置一个EVEN…