Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide】的更多相关文章…
You’re excited; your client is excited. All is well. You’ve just launched the client’s latest website, and it’s fantastic. You’ve put in hours of sweat and tears, tweaking every little detail of the design—expanding menus, interactive Ajax, all the l…
Shell中判断语句if中-z至-d的意思 - sunny_2015 - 博客园 Conditions in bash scripting (if statements) - Linux Academy Blog Table of condition…
  1. 占用资源的任务,尤其那些影响速度的工作 比如排序,哈希,递归等等. 2. 大量使用数学运算 尤其是浮点运算,比如任意精度的计算或者复数计算等等,这类使用C++会好很多. 3. 跨平台的(适用于C或者Java) 4. 复杂的程序,比如需要对象编程,类型检测等 5. 关键应用(一旦出错不会危及公司业务的) 6. 需要安全性的任务 7. 由若干互相依赖的子模块组成的项目 8. 需要复杂文件操作的任务 因为bash只能对序列化的文件做处理,而且它的处理方式还不是很有效:基本都是一行一行处理 9…
References: [1] 1. Executing programs from a script When the program being executed is a shell script, bash will create a new bash process using a fork. This subshell reads the lines from the shell s…
JavaScript is all about objects. Objects are the foundation of everything, so if you’re unfamiliar with objects, you’re going to learn quickly. The goal of this book is not to be a JavaScript or DOM code reference, but in order to make sure you under…
Linux基础 1.<Linux与Unix Shell 编程指南> C语言基础 1.<C Primer Plus,5th Edition>[美]Stephen Prata著 2.<The  C Programming Language, 2nd Edition>[美]Brian W. Kernighan David M. Rithie(K & R)著 3.<Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment,2nd E…
引用地址: Linux 学习书目推荐 Linux基础 1.<Linux与Unix Shell 编程指南> C语言基础 1.<C Primer Plus,5th Edition>[美]Stephen Prata著 2.<The  C Programming Language, 2nd Edition>[美]Brian W. Kernighan Davi…
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