A procedure body can contain calls to other procedures, not least itself: (define factorial (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))) This recursive procedure calculates the factorial of a number. If the number is 0, the answer is 1. For…
在win7下可安装MIT-GUN scheme, 点开后有两个界面:一个交互式命令行界面:一个Edwin界面. 在命令行界面按Ctrl-G可以开始输入.在Edwin界面,输入完整命令后按Ctrl-x Ctrl-e可以求值. 启动mit-scheme时报“Requested allocation is too large, try again with a smaller arguement to '--heap'”,需要尝试好几次才能打开.查询用户手册得到以下信息: (一)Scheme使用…