问题:Jenkins 2.16.3默认没有Launch agent via Java Web Start,如下图所示,而这种启动方式在Windows上是最方便的. 如何设置才能让出来呢? 打开"系统管理"——"Configure Global Security" TCP port JNLP agents 配置成"随机",点击"Agent protocols",打勾开启"Java Web Start Agent Pro…
Jenkins的配置从节点中默认没有Launch agent via Java Web Start,如下图所示,而这种启动方式在Windows上是最方便的. 如何设置才能让出来呢? 1:打开"系统管理"——"Configure Global Security" 2:TCP port JNLP agents 配置成"随机",点击"Agent protocols",打勾开启"Java Web Start Agent Pr…
Jenkins节点配置的启动方式中没有Launch agent via Java Web Start,如下图 怎样能设置出来呢? 1:打开"系统管理"——"Configure Global Security" 2:TCP port JNLP agents 配置成"随机",点击"Agent protocols"[代理协议],打勾开启"Java Web Start Agent Protocol/4 (TLS 加密)&qu…
Note: There is no need to install Jenkins on the slave machine. On your master machine go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes. New Node --> Enter Node Name. Select Dumb Slave --> Press OK. Fill out the following: Set a number of executors (one or mo…
Note: There is no need to install Jenkins on the slave machine. On your master machine go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes. New Node --> Enter Node Name. Select Dumb Slave --> Press OK. Fill out the following: Set a number of executors (one or mo…
find只查看文件和只查看目录 find -type f -name clexec find -type d -name clexec 解压rpm [root@sj_x861 2]# ls etc opt [root@sj_x861 2]# rpm2cpio ../FJSVclrms-4.3.0-05.rhel5_i386.rpm | cpio -idm cpio: ./etc/init.d/clrms not created: newer or same age version ex…