【LeetCode】14 - Longest Common Prefix】的更多相关文章

作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 个人公众号:负雪明烛 本文关键词:prefix, 公共前缀,题解,leetcode, 力扣,Python, C++, Java 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 遍历前缀子串 使用set 遍历最短字符串 排序 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-common-prefix/description/ 题目描述 Write a fun…
题目: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 思路:求最长前缀子串,假设第一个字符串是最长前缀子串,采用增强for得到数组中每个字符串,分别与第一个字符串的同一位置进行比较,有一个字符串在该位置不一致,就返回. public class Solution { public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { i…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. Solution: class Solution { public: string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string>& strs) { //runtime:4ms string str=""; if(strs.empty())return str; ; whi…
Longest Common Prefix Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 解法一: 思路:设置一个位数记录器num,遍历所有字符串的第num位.如果都相同,则num++. 直到某字符串结束或者所有字符串的第num位不都相同,则返回[0~num-1]位,即最长公共前缀. class Solution { public: string longestComm…
一天一道LeetCode系列 (一)题目: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. (二)题意 求一组字符串中的最长前缀字符串. 举例:字符串组:abc,ab,abdef,abws 最长前缀字符串:ab 我的解法是先求出这组字符串中最短的,然后依次匹配,遇到不同的就退出. class Solution { public: string longestCommonP…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 题解: 简单的暴力遍历解决 class Solution { public: string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string>& strs) { int n = strs.size(); || strs[].empty()) return ""; string…
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-'''__author__ = 'dabay.wang@gmail.com'https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/longest-common-prefix/14: Longest Common Prefix Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.===Comments by Dabay===…
14.Longest Common Prefix Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight"] O…
https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-common-prefix/ 原题: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 思路: 简单,直接遍历查找即可. AC代码: class Solution { public: string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string>& strs) { in…
我现在在做一个叫<leetbook>的免费开源书项目,力求提供最易懂的中文思路,目前把解题思路都同步更新到gitbook上了,需要的同学可以去看看 书的地址:https://hk029.gitbooks.io/leetbook/ 014.Longest Common Prefix[E] 问题 Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. Subscribe to se…
1. 题目 1.1 英文题目 Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". 1.2 中文题目 编写一个函数来查找字符串数组中的最长公共前缀. 如果不存在公共前缀,返回空字符串 "". 1.3输入输出 输入 输出 strs = […
题目如下: Given two strings text1 and text2, return the length of their longest common subsequence. A subsequence of a string is a new string generated from the original string with some characters(can be none) deleted without changing the relative order…
分析 与其说是算法题,不如说是语言特性题. 这题要是对Java的String相关函数掌握的比较熟练,写起来的速度(各种意义上)就会很快. 大致的思路都是一致的,差不到哪里去,无非是枚举长度.值得一提的是,从长到短的枚举顺序要比从短到长优得多. 代码 class Solution { public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) { return ""; }…
14. Longest Common Prefix Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 寻找一个数组中最长的公共前缀 例如["baaa","caaabbb","aaaa"]输出"aaa" 结题思路: 判断非空的情况在进行计算 取第一个字符串最为标杆进行对比,因为最终结果一定在第一位中 用第一…
14. Longest Common Prefix Easy Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight&qu…
1.题目 14. Longest Common Prefix   Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight&…
[SP1812]LCS2 - Longest Common Substring II 题面 洛谷 题解 你首先得会做这题. 然后就其实就很简单了, 你在每一个状态\(i\)打一个标记\(f[i]\)表示状态\(i\)能匹配到最长的子串长度, 显然\(f[i]\)可以上传给\(f[i.fa]\). 然后去每个串和第\(1\)个串\(f\)的最小值的最大值即可. 代码 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib&…
[SP1811]LCS - Longest Common Substring 题面 洛谷 题解 建好后缀自动机后从初始状态沿着现在的边匹配, 如果失配则跳它的后缀链接,因为你跳后缀链接到达的\(Endpos\)集合中的串肯定是当前\(Endpos\)中的后缀,所以这么做是对的. 你感性理解一下,这样显然是最大的是吧... 具体实现看代码: 代码 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #inclu…
[LeetCode]522. Longest Uncommon Subsequence II 解题报告(Python) 标签(空格分隔): LeetCode 作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-uncommon-subsequence-ii/description/ 题目描述: Given a list of strings, you…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree/description/ 题目描述 Given a binary tree, find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight"] Output: "fl" Exa…
所有字符串的公共前缀最长字符串 特点:(1)公共所有字符串前缀 (好像跟没说一样...) (2)在字典树中特点:任意从根节点触发遇见第一个分支为止的字符集合即为目标串 参考问题:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-common-prefix/description/ Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. public class Solution { public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) { return ""; } else if (strs.length < 2) {…
小二好久没有更新博客了,真是罪过,最近在看linux的东西导致进度耽搁了,所以今晚睡觉前怒刷一题! 问题描述: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 解题思路: 该问题就是找到所有数组字符串里面的最长相同前字串.所以我的思路是先找到数组中最短的那个字符串,然后每次比较的时候最多循环该长度就行,这样避免字符串下标溢出的问题.设置StringBuilder对象用于存…
题目:Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 很简单的一个描述,最长公共前缀,首先想到的是用递归,既然是找公共前缀,那肯定要两个进行比较,所以把第一个和除了第一个之外的字符串数组看作两个进行比较,再对后面的进行递归就好了,上代码. public static String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { if (strs.…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight"] Output: "fl" Exa…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 解法: 广度优先搜索:先比较所有字符串的第一个字符,然后比较第二个....如果某一行没有了(说明其为最短的单词)或者遇到不匹配字符,则返回当前匹配到的最长前缀. public class Solution { public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { if (str…
本题虽然是easy难度,题目也一目了然,问题就是在这里,需要考虑的特殊情况太多,太多限制.导致我一点点排坑,浪费了较多时间. Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. 编写一个函数来查找字符串数组中最长的公共前缀字符串. class Solution { public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { int l…
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "". Example 1: Input: ["flower","flow","flight"] Output: "fl" Exa…
题目: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings. Subscribe to see which companies asked this question 代码: 上周出差北京一周,都没有做题,这两天继续开始,先从简单的入手. 这个题目一开始以为是找出字符串数组中最长的那个,那不很简单嘛,很快写完了,发现不对. 题目表达不是很清楚,或者是我英语不行,查了下,原来是找…