You want to add a value in Combo List item in Oracle Forms, by typing it in combo list box text area. Here is the example is given for the same, you can write following block in When-Validate-Item trigger for the combo box item: Write the following c…
Add combo list / drop down list item element at runtime in Oracle forms.SyntaxPROCEDURE ADD_LIST_ELEMENT(list_name VARCHAR2,list_index, NUMBERlist_label VARCHAR2,list_value NUMBER);ExampleDeclare  nElmntCount Number;Begin   -- First count the total l…
Set Icon_File property in When-Mouse-Enter trigger Suppose you are creating icon based menu system in Oracle Forms 6i and you want to change icon when mouse over on any push button. You can accomplish this task by writing form level trigger when-mous…
Special Tips for List Items in Oracle D2k In this section, I shall discuss some special tips and techniques offered by Forms with respect to lists and list items.   Populating List Items Dynamically in Oracle D2kList items appear as either drop-down…
In This Document Section 1: Overview Section 2: Pre-Upgrade Steps Section 3: Upgrade and Configuration Section 4: Post-installation Steps Section 5: Known Issues Section 6: Appendices This document covers the procedure to upgrade the version of the J…
from: 我们平时在VS.net里引用的那些类库就是从这里来的 The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundat…
RAC: Frequently Asked Questions [ID 220970.1]   修改时间 13-JAN-2011     类型 FAQ     状态 PUBLISHED   Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.2 Purpose Frequently Asked Questions for Real Applicatio… Changing the User Agent in a web browser control Changing the User Agent for C# Projects A short time ago I completed a project for a co…
1. Install and configure the necessary dependencies If you install Postfix to send email please select 'Internet Site' during setup. Instead of using Postfix you can also use Sendmail or configure a custom SMTP server. If you wish to use Exim, please…
Domain Directory Contents By default, Oracle WebLogic Server creates domain directories under Oracle Middleware MW_HOME/user_projects/domains directory. This section describes the contents of the domain directory and its subfolders. In this section, …