示例代码: class MiNiCarStore(CarStore): def createCar(self, typeName): self.carFactory = CarFactory() # 会出现下划线提示This inspection detects instance attribute definition outside __init__ method return self.carFactory.createCar(typeName) 原因是:根据 SRP(Single Pes…
示例代码: class Car(object): # 未定义任何类属性 def move(self): # 方法会出现下划线提示This inspection detects any methods which may safely be made static. print("---车在移动---") def stop(self): print("---停车---") 原因是该方法不涉及对该类属性的操作,编译器建议声明为@staticmethod,面向对象思想体现…
一.现象描述 如下图所示,手动新建个类包calculator.py,想在test.py文件引用它,发现一直报红线,引用失败 Unresolved reference 'calculator' less... (Ctrl+F1) This inspection detects names that should resolve but don't. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limited but…
输入第一行代码:import logging;logging.basicConfig(level==logging.INFO) 提示:this inspection detects names that should resolved but don't. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limited but useful number of cases. Top-level and class-le…
背景:pip升级至10.0.1后,使用Pycharm安装Package时一直提示module 'pip' has no attribute 'main'报错信息. 解决方法: 找到Pycharm安装目录C:\Works\tools\JetBrains\PyCharm 2016.3.3\helpers下面的packaging_tool.py文件, 打开后定位到如下代码: 修改为如下代码: 修改后保存,再安装新的Package时就可以成功了.…
pycharm安装激活过程中,提示 this license **** has been cancelled .这个问题并不是你的激活码不对,而是需要修改系统的hosts文件,下面详细讲解下如何修改hosts文件. 一.找到hosts文件 首先找到hosts文件所在目录:(以windoes为例,其他平台操作类似) Windows:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Linux:/etc/hosts Mac:/etc/hosts hosts文件并没有后缀,直…
错误信息:This inspection detects shadowing names defined in outer scopes. 检查到波浪处的单词已在函数外部定义. 解决:使用global关键字或nonlocal 关键字或改名…
问题描述: 环境: windows10 pycharm2016.2.3  //在最先版本的pycharm就没问题,可能还需要升级pip版本 python3.6 pip安装模块,提示 AttributeError: module 'pip' has no attribute 'main' 解决方案: 降级pip版本:python -m pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3,再次安装就可以了!…
解决pycharm问题:module 'pip' has no attribute 'main' 转自: <解决pycharm问题:module 'pip' has no attribute 'main'> http://www.cnblogs.com/Fordestiny/p/8901100.html 更新pip之后,Pycharm安装package出现报错:module 'pip' has no attribute 'main' 找到安装目录下 helpers/packaging_tool…
objects高亮,提示信息为unresolved attribute referene 'objects' for class 'BookInfo' 当前情况是pycharm没有识别到objects,并不会影响程序运行 只需要在BookInfo 模型类中的 字段同一级,加入如下代码,即可 objects = models.Manager()…