如何设计一个支持高并发的高性能缓存库 不 考虑并发情况下的缓存的设计大家应该都比较清楚,基本上就是用map/hashmap存储键值,然后用双向链表记录一个LRU来用于缓存的清理.这篇文章 应该是讲得很清楚http://timday.bitbucket.org/lru.html.但是考虑到高并发的情况,如何才能让缓存保持高性能呢? 高并发缓存需要解决2个问题:1. 高效率的内存分配:2. 高效率的读取,插入和清理数据.关于第一个问题涉及到高效率的内存分配器,使用成熟的jemalloc/tcmall…
http://highscalability.com/blog/2016/1/25/design-of-a-modern-cache.html MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 AT 8:56AM This is a guest post by Benjamin Manes, who did engineery things for Google and is now doing engineery things for a new load documentation star…
Single instance of a MemoryCache across multiple application pools on the same server [duplicate] You could create a separate Web Api project and host your implementation of the MemoryCache there. Then expose an api that gets / sets items from the ca…
网络监控困难 1.仅仅通过去增加特定的监控功能到交换机是不能满足运营商不断变化的需求的.(交换机需要支持网络性能问题的表达语言) 2.他们缺乏对网络深处的性能问题进行本地化的可见性,间接推断网络问题的原因 3.当前的交换机监控并没有提供相关的性能数据,没办法直观的查看性能统计信息来诊断问题 操作员使用 Marple Marple 的功能结构 数据包性能流作为基础输入流的一部分,我们称之为pktstream.Marple为每个队列中的每个分组提供一个元组,并且具有以下字段(switch, qid,…
本文转自:https://www.mgt-commerce.com/blog/magento-on-steroids-best-practice-for-highest-performance/ There are plenty of blog posts with tips how to increase the performance of a magento store this shows us how important the speed of a magento store is.…
By tomas.nilsson on Feb 28, 2010 Mattis keeps going strong, in this installment you get to learn everything you never you knew you may need to know about class loaders. As I wrote in a previous post, the class loading mechanism in Java is very powerf…
If you want to cache API response by using angular service-worker, you can do it in: src/ngsw-config.json: { "index": "/index.html", "assetGroups": [{ "name": "app", "installMode": "prefetch…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647787.aspx Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that we…
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is related to computing systems, and more particularly to a system and method for adjusting to changes in processor performance. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Designers of mobile computing platforms are faced wit…
cache是一种小而快的缓冲器,用在CPU和main memory之间进行数据读写. 在processor访问主memory时,首先检查cache中是不是有一份copy,如果cache hit,则直接访问cache. 现在的cache多有很多的level,L1目前多是split的,分为data和instruction,L2和L3多是cores之间share的. instruction cache:加速instruction fetch,data cache:加速data fetch and st…