XSY contest1586 proB】的更多相关文章

题目 现在一圈n个花坛, 每次随机往一个花盆里种花, 一个花盆可以种多颗花, 假如一个花盆两边的花盆都有花, 那么他也将被种上花 问期望种满所有花盆要种几次 首先定义f(i)为放置了i个物品后完全覆盖的概率, 可以发现 \[f[i] = \frac{C_i^{n-i}}{C_{n - 1}^{i - 1}}\] 那么答案就是\[\sum_{i=0}^{n - 1}(1 - f[i]) \frac{n}{n - i}\] On了 #include<cstdio> #include<algo…
Intellij Idea开发工具在@Autowired或者@Resource注入XxxMapper接口时报如下错误: Could not autowire. No beans of 'TbItemMapper' type found. less... (Ctrl+F1)  Checks autowiring prob 解决方法如下,在 Intellij Idea中设置一下: Settings - Editor - Inspections - Spring - Spring Core - Cod…
1022. Poor contestant Prob Constraints Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB Description As everybody known, “BG meeting” is very very popular in the ACM training team of ZSU. After each online contest, they will go out for “smoking”. Who will be t…
void calc_probability(int num) { , j = , k = ; #define SIZE_NUM 8 int *array_num = NULL; int *remember_num = NULL; char (**array_detail)[SIZE_NUM] = NULL; //数组指针 ; ; ; len_array = * num - ; array_num = (int*)calloc(len_array, sizeof(int)); array_deta…
Problem 1: 铺地毯 乍一看吓cry,地毯覆盖...好像是2-dims 线段树,刚开头就这么难,再一看,只要求求出一个点,果断水题,模拟即可.(注意从标号大的往小的枚举,只要有一块地毯符合要求就输出,返回.) (全篇未完结,代码就不发了.) Problem 2: 选择客栈 模拟果断会超时,所以用类似动态规划的方法. 用$\text{sum}\left[ i\right]$表示从一号客栈到i号客栈途中的符合要求的Café总数,自然,$\text{O}\left( n\right)$的时间复…
The `game-desktop [Release]` target overrides the `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-game-desktop/Pods-game-desktop.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation - Use the `$(…
·题目:D. Interactive LowerBound ·英文题,述大意:       有一个长度为n(n<=50000)的单链表,里面的元素是递增的.链表存储在一个数组里面,给出长度n.表头在数组的下标和一个值w.题目要求求出链表中大于等于w值的元素中的最小元素.注意,这道题是一道interactive.由于链表是未知的,最多可以进行1999个询问,询问形式:?i.表示询问数组下标为i,询问后,会得到一个答案组(val,Next),表示询问的元素是val,链表下一位所在的数组下标是Next…
Friday the Thirteenth Is Friday the 13th really an unusual event? That is, does the 13th of the month land on a Friday less often than on any other day of the week? To answer this question, write a program that will compute the frequency that the 13t…
Greedy Gift Givers A group of NP (2 ≤ NP ≤ 10) uniquely named friends has decided to exchange gifts of money. Each of these friends might or might not give some money to any or all of the other friends. Likewise, each friend might or might not receiv…
=== /* ID: luopengting PROG: ride LANG: C++ */ #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ; int main() { freopen("ride.in","r",stdin); freopen("ride.out…