Large Division Given two integers, a and b, you should check whether a is divisible by b or not. We know that an integer a is divisible by an integer b if and only if there exists an integer c such that a = b * c. Input Input starts with an integer T…
1214 - Large Division Given two integers, a and b, you should check whether a is divisible by b or not. We know that an integer a is divisible by an integer b if and only if there exists an integer c such that a = b * c. Input Input starts with an in…
1214 - Large Division PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 1 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Given two integers, a and b, you should check whether a is divisible by b or not. We know that an integer a is divisible by an integer b if and only if…
Given two integers, a and b, you should check whether a is divisible by b or not. We know that an integer a is divisible by an integer b if and only if there exists an integer c such that a = b * c. Input Input starts with an integer T (≤ 525), denot…
简单大数模拟题: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; string Num; vector<ll> Big; ll MOD(vector<ll> Big, ll m) { ll ret = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Big.size(); ++i) { ret = ret * 10 + Big[i]; ret = ret % m; } return…
Problem Descripton Two planets named Haha and Xixi in the universe and they were created with the universe beginning. There is 73 days in Xixi a year and 137 days in Haha a year. Now you know the days N after Big Bang, you need to answer whether it i…