选择一个map进行软件基础数据初始化操作,要求第一次初始化后,不修改数据,可能会出现静态类被回收,然后在进行初始化操作? 1.Map :接口 /** * A {@code Map} is a data structure consisting of a set of keys and values * in which each key is mapped to a single value. The class of the objects * used as keys is declared…
1. How to install "wget" command in Linux and how to use multiple : https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-wget-your-ultimate-command-line-downloader.html 2.以前接触red hat或者debian一类的linux比较常用的在线软件安装的工具就是yum或者apt-get 命令,但是第一次接触SUSE系统发现竟然都没有,本以为要自己装,后来…