Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTTP servers is configured to use. Shut this program down first before starting supervisord. sudo unlink /tmp/supervisor.sock…
原文出处: 运行 supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf 出现错误 Starting supervisor: Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTTP servers is configured to use. Shut th…
Error: An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (*.*.deps.json) was not found: package: ‘Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery‘, version: ‘2.0.3‘ path: ‘lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.dll‘ This assembly was expec…
Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTTP servers is configured to use. Shut this program down first before starting supervisord. StackOverflow…
今天安装完带图形界面的CentOS 7后,在Terminal中运行yum安装命令时报了以下错误: Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was 14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:; Unknown error&…
配置项目的Docker支持 对于VS中Docker的配置,依旧重复一些废话. 给项目添加Docker支持,VS2015可以直接使用Docker for VS插件,VS2017在安装时选择容器支持.VS配置好容器支持后,右键点击项目,添加菜单中就可看到Docker Support选项. VS2015的Docker for VS插件会把Dockerfile加入到package.json的publishOptions中.这样一次dotnet publish操作就可以获得含有Dockerfile可以直接…