To keep our tests fast and easily repeatable, it makes sense to create many integration tests and fewer full end-to-end tests. In this lesson, we’ll see how to stub out network requests to create repeatable integration tests by ensuring our applicati…
如果想从头学起Cypress,可以看下面的系列文章哦 前言 Cypress 不仅支持用户自定义文件结构,还支持用户自定义 Cypress 的各项配置 Cypress 可以通过 cypress.json 文件来实现各项配置的自定义[文件默认是空的] 这里只介绍常用到的配置项,更多配置项请看:…
In this lesson well stub a POST request and use Cypress commands to fill in and submit a form. We’ll wait for the submission to resolve and then assert that the new item was added to the list. For example when we dealing with Form submition, we want…
如果想从头学起Cypress,可以看下面的系列文章哦 默认文件结构 在使用 cypress open 命令首次打开 Cypress,Cypress 会自动进行初始化配置并生成一个默认的文件夹结构,如下图 前言 这里先介绍文件结构中每种文件的作用是啥,后面再具体写代码的栗子 fixtures 测试夹具 简介 测试夹具通常配合 cy.fixture() 使用 主要用来存储测试用例的外部静态数据…
Currently we show three users in the list, it actually do three time network request, we can verfiy this by console out each network request: var responseStream = startupRequestStream.merge(requestOnRefreshStream) .flatMap(requestUrl => { console.log…
Integration tests let us keep our tests fast and reliable. They also allow us to test scenarios that are hard to recreate in a full end-to-end setup. That being said, we should round out our test suite with some high-level smoke tests. In this lesson…
Testing your application’s behavior when an XHR call results in an error can be difficult. The use of stubs for XHR calls makes it easy for us to setup failure scenarios and ensure that our front-end responds the way we expect. In this lesson, we’ll…
When creating integration tests with Cypress, we’ll often want to stub network requests that respond with large datasets. All of this mock data can lead to test code that is hard to read. In this lesson, we’ll see how to use fixtures to keep sample d…
Load Data from Test Fixtures in Cypress When creating integration tests with Cypress, we’ll often want to stub network requests that respond with large datasets. All of this mock data can lead to test code that is hard to read. In this lesson, we’ll…
本文由 伯乐在线 - nathanw 翻译,dopcn 校稿.未经许可,禁止转载! 英文出处欢迎加入翻译小组. 几周前,我决定将将我在 mokacoding 上的创作更多集中在单元测试与验收测试,自动化和生产效率上,主要在iOS领域. 相关深入文章可以看看“通过 CocoaPods 为 iOS 项目创建 Calabash 并构建配置”和“用终端运行 Xcode 测试”. 这周我们要回过头来看看,或者说是站在更高的角度审视单元测试和验收测试,以及在云端运行持…