WHU 1542 Countries (floyd)】的更多相关文章

题意: 在小明出生的星球X上有n国家. 一些国家通过结盟而拥有良好的双边关系,因此他们的公民得益于这些政策,使得所有这些国家之间的旅行变得免费. 但是,不同联盟之间的旅行就不是这么容易了.如果可能,它必须花一些钱. 请帮小明计算出国家之间的最小花费. 输入: 输入包含多组样例. 每组样例的第一行有两个整数 n 和 m .(1<=n<=10^5, 1<=m<=10^5) 接下来的m行,每行有x, y, c. 其中 c 表示 x, y之间的花费.如果c为0,则表示x和y属于同一个联盟.…
http://acm.whu.edu.cn/land/problem/detail?problem_id=1542 今天做武大的网赛题,哎,还是不够努力啊,只搞出三个 这个题目一看就是个最短路,但是题目数据量太大,n^2承受不起,而且如果只是个最短路,那题目花这么大力气叙述有些城市可以互相免费干嘛呢 这个是聪哥发现的神奇的细节,题目里说It is guaranteed that there are no more 200 coalitions.暂且把这个称作空域,也就是说最终免费的城市都成了一个…
Problem 1542 - F - Countries Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KB Total Submit: 266 Accepted: 36 Special Judge: No Description There are n countries at planet X on which Xiao Ming was born. Some countries, which have been sharing fine bilateral r…
Countries in War Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Description In the year 2050, after different attempts of the UN to maintain peace in the world, the third world war broke out. The importance of industrial, commercial and military secrets obl…
HDU 5418 Victor and World Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:131072KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u After trying hard for many years, Victor has finally received a pilot license. To have a celebration, he intends to buy himself an airplane and fl…
题目来源:https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=3&page=show_problem&problem=40  Arbitrage  Background The use of computers in the finance industry has been marked with controversy lately as programmed tr…
Risk is a board game in which several opposing players attempt to conquer the world. The gameboard consists of a world map broken up into hypothetical countries. During a player's turn, armies stationed in one country are only allowed to attack only…
Victor and World Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 891    Accepted Submission(s): 399 Problem Description After trying hard for many years, Victor has finally received a pilot li…
uva 104 Arbitrage Description Download as PDF Background The use of computers in the finance industry has been marked with controversy lately as programmed trading – designed to take advantage of extremely small fluctuations in prices – has been outl…
算法思路 路径矩阵 通过一个图的权值矩阵求出它的每两点间的最短路径矩阵.从图的带权邻接矩阵A=[a(i,j)] n×n开始,递归地进行n次更新,即由矩阵D(0)=A,按一个公式,构造出矩阵D(1):又用同样地公式由D(1)构造出D(2),以此类推.最后又用同样的公式由D(n-1)构造出矩阵D(n).矩阵D(n)的i行j列元素便是i号顶点到j号顶点的最短路径长度,称D(n)为图的距离矩阵,同时还可引入一个后继节点矩阵path来记录两点间的最短路径. 状态转移方程 其状态转移方程如下: map[i,…