[!] Oh no, an error occurred. Search for existing GitHub issues similar to yours: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/search?q=No+such+file+or+directory+-+%2FUsers%2Fquan%2FDesktop%2F%E8%AF%BE%E5%A0%82%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%2F8+-+%E7…
产生这个问题的原因是最新版本的CocoaPods把Podfile文件的书写格式改变了,官网推荐用如下格式书写: platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target 'MyAppName' do pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6' pod 'ORStackView', '~> 3.0' pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.3' end 其中把MyAppName换成工程名,最后使用 pod install --verbos…
最近更新了下cocoapods,今天再pod update 就遇到这个错误: 大体意思就是说,库没有用到指定的target. 找了下资料,发现是新版CocoaPods在 Podfile里使用时,必须指定target: 比如: platform:ios,'7.0' target 'TestSwift' do pod 'AFNetworking' pod 'SDWebImage' pod 'JSONModel' pod 'MJRefresh' pod 'SDCycleScrollView','~>…
当用CocoaPods pod install 时出现了下面的错误时: p.p1 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #c33720 } span.s1 { } [!] The dependency `JSONModel (~> 1.2.0)` is not used in any concrete target. The dependency `MJExtension (~> 3.0.10)` is n…