By Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang Fu, Alexander C. Berg. Introduction SSD is an unified framework for object detection with a single network. You can use the code to train/evaluate a network for o…
本来SSD做测试的Python接口用起来也是比较方便的,但是如果部署集成的话,肯定要用c++环境,于是动手鼓捣了一下. 编译用的cmake,写的CMakeList.txt,期间碰到一些小问题,简单记录一下问题以及解决方法. 当然前提是你本地的caffe环境没啥问题.各种依赖都安好了.. 1.error: ‘AnnotatedDatum’ has not been declared AnnotatedDatum* anno_datum); /home/jiawenhao/ssd/caffe/…
训练方式:: caffe-ssd训练自己的数据集 错误:: SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector) io.cpp:187 Could not open or find file https://blog.csdn.n…