-[定制网格数据单元] 在数据单元中显示字段值为图形. TDBGridEh allows to show bitmaps from TImageList component depending on field values. TDBGridEh 可以根据字段的值显示TImageList 组件中相应的BMP. To show bitmaps depending on field values need: 要根据字段的值显示BMP图片需要, Fill list of field values…
代码: using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine; public class ChangeValue : ScriptableWizard { public int health = 10; public int speed = 23; [MenuItem("Tools/CreateWizard")] static void CreateWizard() { …
MySQL中,查询表(dat_bill_2018_11)中字段(product_id)值重复的记录: ; 说明:先用GROUP BY 对 product_id 进行分组,同时使用COUNT(*)进行统计,再用HAVING来过滤大于1的,这样查找出来的就是重复的记录了. Good Good Study, Day Day Up. 顺序 选择 循环 总结…