Topics:1.Talk about your carreer plan2.In ten years, what kind of people you will be? At that time,what are you doing?3.Talk about Artificial Intelligence vs human being knowledge ,what do you think of alpha go of Google ?4.Have you heard about VR an…
面试笔试精华(二) 警告:一定要把英文题目过一遍,有些公司的题目故意弄成英文的!!! 1. Difference between shallow copy and deep copy? 浅复制和深复制的区别? 1> 浅拷贝:指针(地址)拷贝,不会产生新对象 2> 深拷贝:内容拷贝,会产生新对象 2. What is advantage of categories? What is difference between implementing a categ…
面试笔试精华(三) 1. When to use NSMutableArray and when to use NSArray? 什么时候使用NSMutableArray,什么时候使用NSArray? 1> 当数组元素需要动态地添加或者删除时,用NSMutableArray 2> 当数组元素固定不变时,用NSArray 2. Give us example of what are delegate methods and what are data sourc…
AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming.面向切面编程)是对面向对象开发的一种补充,它同意开发者在不改变原来模型的基础上动态地改动模型从而满足新的需求.比如.在不改变原来业务逻辑模型的基础上能够动态地添加日志.安全或异常处理的功能. 以下介绍一个在Spring中使用AOP编程的简单样例. (1)创建一个接口以及实现这个接口的类.TestAOPIn.java内容例如以下所看到的. public interface TestAOPIn{ public void doSometh…