JCIP chap3 share objects】的更多相关文章

"同步"确保了操作的原子性执行,但它还有其它重要的方面:memory visibility.我们不但要确保当一个线程在使用一个对象的时候,其它线程不能修改这个对象,而且还要保证该线程在修改对象状态时,其它线程能够看到该线程对对象所做的改变. 可以通过显式的同步语句或内建类库的同步机制以保证对象的正确发布. 3.1. Visibility 3.1.1. Stale Data 3.1.2. Non-atomic 64-bit Operations(针对没有声明为volatile的doubl…
From http://geekswithblogs.net/akraus1/archive/2012/07/25/150301.aspx I have written already some time ago how big a .NET object is. John Skeet as also made a very detailed post about object sizes in .NET. I wanted to know if we can deduce the object…
原文链接: Managing C++ Objects Here are some guidelines I have found useful for writing C++ classes. There are many good books on the subject, but they have not been sufficient to keep me out of trouble. (有很多书都在讨论这些主题,但是都没能让我真正搞明白) The first time I retur…
Dojo now supports modules written in the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format, which makes code easier to author and debug. In this tutorial, we learn all about this new module format, and explore how to write an application using it. dojo现在支持…
一.NoSQL简介 1.1 常见的优化思路和方向 1.1.1 MySQL主从读写分离 由于数据库的写入压力增加,Memcached只能缓解数据库的读取压力.读写集中在一个数据库上让数据库不堪重负,大部分网站开始使用主从复制技术达到读写分离,以提高读写性能和读库的可扩展性.Mysql的master-slave模式成为这个时候的网站标配了. 1.1.2 分库分表 随着web2.0的继续高速发展,在Memcached的高速缓存,MySQL的主从复制,读写分离的基础之上,这时MySQL主库的写压力开始出…
learning python,5e中讲到.Python的函数参数传递机制是对象引用. Arguments are passed by assignment (object reference). In Python, argumentsare passed to functions by assignment (which, as we’ve learned, means by objectreference). As you’ll see, in Python’s model the cal…
1.users相关的api开发 1.在settings中添加APPID,SECRET 2.在apps/users/views.py内: from chaoyuecun.settings import APPID,SECRET import urllib.request from rest_framework.views import APIView from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.renderers…
目录 · Decorator · What is the Decorator Design Pattern? · Sample Code · Adapter · What is the Adapter Design Pattern? · Sample Code · Facade · What is the Facade Design Pattern? · Sample Code · Bridge · What is the Bridge Design Pattern? · When to use…
Business Manager System User Make programatic, automated actions on ad objects or Pages, or do programmatic ads buying. System users represent servers or software making API calls to assets owned or managed by a Business Manager. The easiest, quickes…
Caching large objects, duplicate objects, caching collections, live objects, thread unsafe caching and other common mistakes break your app instead of making it fly. Learn ten common caching mistakes devs make. Introduction Caching frequently used ob…