11:47 2016/11/30Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels used in the game. Use File->Build Settings... in Unity and add the levels you need to the level list there. MonoBehaviour.OnLevelWasLoaded is called on all active ga…
2016 10 28 考试 时间 7:50 AM to 11:15 AM 下载链接: 试题 考试包 这次考试对自己的表现非常不满意!! T1看出来是dp题目,但是在考试过程中并没有推出转移方程,考虑了打表,但是发现暴力程序的速度不够,直接交了暴力,没想到暴力程序爆0,考试后仔细查找发现是在深搜过程中的一个剪枝处忘记调整全局变量的值,,,低级错误要引以为戒!! for (int i = 0; i <= cur; i++) { a[x] += i; if (a[x] < a[x-1]) { a[x…