看自己动手写爬虫,没想到一上来就跪了. 里面提到用的jar包是apache的http客户端开源项目---HttpClient 就去官网下载了一个版本4.3 当按书上代码敲时 HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); 敲完这句,就给跪了 提示Cannot instantiate the type HttpClient, google 了下,在stackoverflow上面说是应该 HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHtt…
在使用java.util.List; 的时候,把语句写成了: List<Integer> arr = new List<Integer>(); 导致错误: Cannot instantiate the type List<Integer> 正确写法是: List<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<Integer>();…
I have added following jars in my projects build path: java-client-2.0.0 from http://appium.io/downloads.html >> Appium Client libraries >> Java selenium-java-2.43.1 selenium-java-2.43.1-srcs selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1…