I'll share another review paper about Epigenetic Landscape, it comes from Nature Review, published in 2016. Transition states and cell fate decisions in epigenetic landscapes [1] In this paper, they suggest that there might be a fundamental flaw in t…
Today, I'll share a review papers about Epigenetic Landscape, the Epigenetic Landscape is related to cell differentiation. It comes from Current Biology, published in 2012. Bistability, Bifurcations, and Waddington’s Epigenetic Landscape [1] This pap…
CVPR 2016 Visual Tracking Paper Review  本文摘自:http://blog.csdn.net/ben_ben_niao/article/details/52072659    http://blog.csdn.net/ben_ben_niao/article/details/52078727 做了一段时间的跟踪,最近CVPR大会也过了一段时间了,这次将CVPR2016跟踪的文章做一次总结,主要是对paper的方法,创新,改进等方面进行介绍和总结.具体的实现细…
How to transform the day time images to night time ?  A series of paper review and some thinkings about this point.  Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches  2017-07-20   14:34:27  无监督的进行基于关键局部 patch 的图像生成,这个算是和 “传统”的 GAN 稍微不同的地…
在线上修改代码,最后使用git review提交代码审核的时候出现报错如下:[wangshibo@115~]$ vim testfile           #修改代码[wangshibo@115~]$ git add testfile [wangshibo@115~]$ git commit -m "123"[wangshibo@115~ ]$ git reviewErrors running git rebase -i remotes/gerrit/masterInteractiv…
------------------------------- Long noncoding RNAs are rarely translated in two human cell lines. (蛋白,多肽) Bánfai B, Jia H, Khatun J, Wood E, Risk B, Gundling WE Jr, Kundaje A, Gunawardena HP, Yu Y, Xie L, Krajewski K, Strahl BD, Chen X, Bickel P, Gi…
基因调控网络的概念在之前已经简要介绍过:https://www.cnblogs.com/pear-linzhu/p/12313951.html 沃丁顿表观遗传景观(The Waddington's epigenetic landscape) 是描述基因调控下细胞分化的动态性的一个经典的隐喻,是由沃丁顿在1957年提出的.他将细胞分化比喻作从高处沿山坡滚落下的小球,直到一个稳定的盆地 (basin),该盆地也就代表一定的分化状态.小球最开始能量较高,处于不稳定状态,对应干细胞等未分化的细胞状态,小…
易基因(羟)甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀测序(h)MeDIP-seq研究成果见刊<Journal of Clinical Investigation> 2022年5月2日,中南大学湘雅二医院赵明教授团队.中国医学科学院皮肤病医院陆前进教授团队合作在Journal of Clinical Investigation上发表了题为"Iron-dependent epigenetic modulation promotes pathogenic T cell differentiation in…
[怪毛匠子-整理] awesome-single-cell List of software packages (and the people developing these methods) for single-cell data analysis, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc. Contributions welcome... Software packages RNA-seq anchor - [Python] - ⚓ Find bimodal,…
sklearn实战-乳腺癌细胞数据挖掘(博客主亲自录制视频教程) https://study.163.com/course/introduction.htm?courseId=1005269003&utm_campaign=commission&utm_source=cp-400000000398149&utm_medium=share https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnibus_test Omnibus tests are a kind of st…