创建项目的时候报错: Failed to sync Gradle project 'xxx' Error:Unable to start the daemon process: could not reserve enough space for object heap. Please assign more memory to Gradle in the project's gradle.properties file.For example, the following line, in t…
Unzipping C:\Users\app\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-4.1-all\bzyivzo6n839fup2jbap0tjew\gradle-4.1-all.zip to C:\Users\app\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-4.1-all\bzyivzo6n839fup2jbap0tjew 安装Gradle 之后 ,一直报错,主要如下 一直以为是 Unable to start the daemon process,搜到…
错误代码 Failed to sync Gradle project 'WeChat' Error:Failed to find target with hash string 'android-24' in: E:SoftAndroidsdk <a href="install.android.platform">Install missing platform(s) and sync project</a> 提示SDK下面没有android-24 解决方法:…
Studio 创建第一个工程报错 Error:Unable to start the daemon process.This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at https://docs.gradl…
[已解决]Android Studio错误提示:Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (eg. editing, debugging) will not work properly 2015 年 4 月 1 日 下午 9:14crifan已有55221人围观我来说几句 [问题] Android Studio中出现提示: Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (eg. editing…
本文转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/dhx20022889/article/details/44919905 我在用android studio 做一个小项目,在家里的mac电脑中创建项目,并同步到coding.net中. 到公司电脑中下拉此项目,并通过android studio打开,可打开后的项目报如下错误: Error:Unable to start the daemon process. This problem might be caused by incorrec…
Android Studio中出现提示: Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (eg. editing, debugging) will not work properly 如图: [解决过程] 1.点击了: Show Log in Explorer 打开找到了log文件: C:\Users\Administrator\.AndroidStudio\system\log\idea.log Log文件内容很长,最后一部分是: ? 1 2…
一   报错显示 Gradle sync failed: Unknown host 'd29vzk4ow07wi7.cloudfront.net'. You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle. 查看整个项目的build.gradle.buildscript下dependencies里内容是classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3' 说明用2.2.3版本的Gradle构建项目. 'd…
Android Studio更新后一直Refreshing的解决办法! 这个问题遇到过很多次,网上也有很多解决办法,但是好像都没有发现refreshing gradle project在做什么. 一般refreshing gradle project出现在打开一个新工程或者升级Android Studio之后,为什么需要refreshing呢?问题就出在gradle-wrapper.properties这个文件上,这个文件指明了本工程需要用的gradle版本. 如图所示. 最后一行表示当前工程g…