Check for orders daily: To ship quickly you need to find out about orders promptly. We will e-mail you when you have a sale, but e-mails are unreliable and can be caught by spam filters. We recommend checking for orders daily in your seller account.…
We encountered a delay in shipping your order. We apologize for the inconvenience. Since your package is delayed, we're refunding the shipping charges for your entire order.* 货物没有在承诺的日期到底,亚马逊自动退回收取的多余运费 Dear xxx, We have initiated a refund in the amo…
Dear Seller, Greetings from Amazon Seller Support. From your mail, I understand that you would like to know about the Amazon Giveaway. I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. I will definitely assist you with this query. I would like to info…
Greetings from Amazon Seller Support, I understand your concern that there will be a change of IP address. Thank you for your kind information and your update. If there is any problem regarding this please write back to us. For your information there…
1.搭建Python环境 windows下搭建python环境 1.下载安装包 2.Windows中Python的安装包是后缀名为msi的安装包,直接双击下一步即可 3.Windwos环境下默认的安装路径是:C:\Python27 4.添加环境变量 [右键计算机]-->[点击属性]--> [高级系统设置]--> [高级]--> [环境变量]--> [系统变量]--> 编辑Path变量 将;C:\Python27添加到其中 升级Linux下的Python版本 1.安装gc…
Dear Seller, We are contacting you because we have detected potential pricing errors in your product listings. To avoid a potentially negative customer experience caused by mispriced items, we have deactivated these listings. These deactiv…
Hello from Amazon. Your funds transfer in the amount of 9,422.88 USD has been delayed because the credit or debit card information registered to your  seller account is invalid. This information may be invalid because the card has expired…
Hello, We are writing to let you know that we have removed your selling privileges and placed a temporary hold on any funds in your Marketplace Payments account. We took this action because you may have violated our policies by adding images to produ…
资料整理 1.sp-api介绍: 2.github文档: 3.github代码: 开发准备 1. 登录亚马逊卖家账号申请SP-API开发评估表…
下面跟大家一起走一遍Amazon亚马逊的支付,亚马逊目前刚把业务拓展到大陆市场,但这并不代表Amazon支付不成熟,恰恰相反,Amazon的支付流程,支付结果获取及测试另人称赞,支付流程.测试流程简洁可靠.不想国内三个运营商,典型的国企,支付成功与否的判断标准仅仅是看短信是否发送出去,连个二次握手都没有,更没有安全可靠之说.在此并无他意,只是在对比运营商支付跟其他支付后的感触.但不可否认的是运营商支付在大陆移动付费端堪称龙头,尽管它并不安全,这就是现状...      源码链接:http://p…