Spring Framework Overview https://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_overview.htm Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) One of the key components of Spring is the Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework. The functions that span multiple points of a…
一.多继承 上篇trait中,已经看到了其用法十分灵活,可以借此实现类似"多重继承"的效果,语法格式为: class/trait A extends B with C with D ... 之所以要给多重继承加一个引号,是因为这有约束条件的,上面的语法中,从左向右看,extends 后的B是A的基本类型,不管后面接多少个trait,如果C或D,本身又继承自其它class(上一篇讲过,trait也可以继承自class),则C或D的基类必须与B的基类保持一致,否则的话,JVM上的OOP世界…
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) complements Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) by providing another way of thinking about program structure. The key unit of modularity in OOP is the class, whereas in AOP the unit of modularity is the aspect. Aspects…
该系列文章是本人在学习 Spring 的过程中总结下来的,里面涉及到相关源码,可能对读者不太友好,请结合我的源码注释 Spring 源码分析 GitHub 地址 进行阅读. Spring 版本:5.1.14.RELEASE 在开始阅读 Spring AOP 源码之前,需要对 Spring IoC 有一定的了解,可查看我的 <死磕Spring之IoC篇 - 文章导读> 这一系列文章 该系列其他文章请查看:<死磕 Spring 之 AOP 篇 - 文章导读> 目录 什么是 AOP? 为…
These are the contents of my training session about unit testing, and also have some introductions about how could we write better unit tests with NSubstitute framework. The related sessions: Unit Testing with NSubstitute Building the Testing Pipelin…
Sample This tutorial will show how to instrument a unit test DLL for performance profiling. Visual Studio will allow you to do performance profiling on individual tests (i.e. functions) in a test suite. This can be done in the user interface (i.e. UI…