前言 在ubuntu 18.04下挂上ss后firefox能直接上google了但是chromium上不去 会出现下面两种情况 # This site can't be reached xxxxxx is unreachable. ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE # This site can't be reached xxxxxx refused to connect. Try: - Checking the connection - [Checking the proxy a
前面讲了yum 代理设置上网的方法,现在设置一下系统代理上网, 网上很多都不管用,已亲测管用 [root@proxy ~]# cat .bash_profile #root目下添加代理上网,蓝色代码# .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functionsif [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrcfi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOM
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