凸多边形 Time Limit: 2000 MS Memory Limit: 65536 K Total Submit: 130(24 users) Total Accepted: 40(18 users) Rating: Special Judge: No Description 已知一个凸多边形A(包含n个点,点按照顺时针给出),和一个点集B(包含m个点),请判断这m个点是否都严格在凸多边形A内部. Input 输入包含多组测试数据. 对于每组测试数据:
内容概要:C语言基本数据类型及运算题库(含答案) 第二章 基本数据类型及运算 一.选择题 1. 若以下选项中的变量已正确定义,则正确的赋值语句是[C]. A) x1=26.8%3; B) 1+2=x2; C) x3=0x12; D) x4=1+2=3; 2. 设变量x为float型且已经赋值,则以下语句中能够将x中的数值保留到小数点后面两位,并将第三位四舍五入的是[C]. A) x=x*100+0.5/100.0 B) x=(x*100+0.5)/100.0 C) x=(int)(x*100+0
A long-distance telephone company charges its customers by the following rules: Making a long-distance call costs a certain amount per minute, depending on the time of day when the call is made. When a customer starts connecting a long-distance call,