asp显示多条记录的代码 仅供参考 <%for i=1 to RS.PageSize%> <% if RS.EOF then exit for end if %> <tr style="text-align:center " bordercolordark="#FFCCFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" > [color=#FF0000]<td> <%= RS (&q
<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","root");mysql_select_db("test");//保留最新的1000条记录$limit=1000;$query="select `id` from `news`";$result=mysql_query($query);$num=mysql_num_rows($result);if($num>$lim
Access数据库删除重复记录,只保留一条记录的做法: 只保留id最小的记录方法: delete from [表名] where id not in (select min(id) from [表名] group by [带重复记录的字段名称]) 只保留id最大的记录方法: delete from [表名] where id not in (select max(id) from [表名] group by [带重复记录的字段名称])
删除重复数据保留name中id最小的记录 delete from order_info where id not in (select id from (select min(id) as id from order_info group by order_number) as b); delete from table where id not in (select min(id) from table group by name having count(name)>1) and id i
1.sqlite3数据库select * from QG order by random() limit 6 以下显示前10条记录 2.SQL Server数据库select top 10 * from table_name; 3.DB2数据库select * from table_name fetch first 10 rows only; 4.Oracle数据库select * from table_name where rownum <=10; 5.MySQL数据库select * f
1.查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断 select * from 表 where Id in (select Id from 表 group byId having count(Id) > 1) 2.删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录 DELETE from 表 WHERE (判断字段) IN ( SELECT 判断字段 FROM 表 GROUP BY 判断字段 HAVING COUNT(判断字段) > 1) A
前提:相同的数据重复往数据库写入,导致存在仅主键Id不同的重复数据,现在需要去除重复数据,仅保留重复数据中Id最大的一条 思路: 1.找出存在重复数据的记录,并取重复数据中最大的Id值 2.删除记录中不包含最大Id值的记录 注意:该SQL会删除没有重复数据的记录 实现: DELETE FROM [Log_IIS].[dbo].[IISLog_table] WHERE id not in (select MAX(Id) from [IISLog_table] group by [Re