LoadLibrary HMODULE WINAPI LoadLibrary( _In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName ); Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. The specified module may cause other modules to be loaded. 用此函数来加载动态链接库到内存. LoadLibrary按照这样的方式来搜寻文件,先在应用程序所在
JS字符串替换函数:Replace(“字符串1″, “字符串2″), 1.我们都知道JS中字符串替换函数是Replace(“字符串1″, “字符串2″),但是这个函数只能将第一次出现的字符串1替换掉,那么我们如何才能一次性全部替换掉了? <script> var s = "LOVE LIFE ! LOVE JAVA ..."; alert(s); alert(s.replace("LOVE ", "爱")); alert(s.repl
Sqlite 字符串处理函数replace官方说明: replace(X,Y,Z) The replace(X,Y,Z) function returns a string formed by substituting string Z for every occurrence of string Y in string X. The BINARY collating sequence is used for comparisons. If Y is an empty string then r