事件句柄(event handler)是一种针对给定事件来执行代码的子例程. ASP.NET - 事件句柄 请看下面的代码: <% lbl1.Text="The date and time is " & now() %> <html> <body> <form runat="server"> <h3><asp:label id="lbl1" runat="serv
iOS 事件传递及响应过程 -->>事件到来-->>事件分发 -->>事件响应 事件( Events) 官方文档( Events(iOS)) 是这样描写叙述的: Users manipulate their iOS devices in a number of ways, such as touching the screen or shaking the device. iOS interprets when and how a user is manipulatin
Delphi中的Sender:TObject对象解析 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin end; 解析:Procedure是过程,TForm是窗体类,加上数字就是某个窗体,像TForm1就是Form1窗体. Button1是你的按钮控件的名称,Button1Click就是按钮的单击事件,(Sender:Tobject)就是发送消息到对象,这里默认为本窗体. Sender的类型是Tobject,是Tobject的派生类. D
To declare an event in your CComponent child class, you should add a method with aname starting with on. For example, if you add the onRegister method, you will get acorresponding event declared.A method used to declare an event becomes the defaultev