概括:这里选择亚马逊EC2的Linux AMI实例,该Linux服务器是亚马逊预配置的Linux环境,内置多个YUM源,属于亚马逊首推的稳定Linux服务器.默认登录用户名为ec2-user,执行root权限命令时,需要加sudo前缀命令. 1.检查是否安装该程序: which nginx #查看nginx是否存在 如未安装时:which nginx显示结果为 /usr/bin/which: no nginx in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local
I’d like to call your attention to a new feature that we rolled out earlier this month. You can now provide us with a configurable Reverse DNS record for any of your Elastic IP addresses. Once you’ve supplied us with the record, reverse DNS lookups (